𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤

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Hello Tree, I am two, I have this cool blue shirt with cars on it and that's what it says, though I can't really read all that much yet.
I am happy and it's very sunny now the world is so colorful and gigantic too.
I've got to go, it's time for tea, I know I'll return here eventually. Bye bye.

Hello Tree, I am four, I started school a year ago and it seems pretty fun but what I dislike the most is not being there with mum, but I love to draw because it's fun and I like going on short walks out in the sun, everything's so interesting. Goodbye.

Hello Tree, I am six, I like to play with mud and rocks and sticks and the little worms that wriggle in the dirt but I'm always worried that they might get hurt. I don't really understand making friends but I know that I'll work it out in the end. Bye for now.

Hello Tree, I am eight, I don't know what I did this time but people seem to hate me. I always used to say there's nothing wrong with me but I can't find friends who don't bully or leave. The teacher told someone to go socialize with me but it felt so forced and strange to me it only took a few days for the friendship to end, but I'm not surprised, until I see you again.

Hello Tree, I'm sat here again at the moment I am the age of ten, I am just here to rest my legs I look to the skies and believe in my dreams and watch the planes and birds which slowly pass me. Everything is as peaceful as it's always seemed. I must go now as break time will end, I've got new places to see and people to meet, potential friends, until we meet again.

Hello Tree, now I am twelve, growing up confuses me, some things feel like they're not meant to be, I guess I'll figure it out eventually, I'm in a different school now and it all feels different, but I always feel like I am the different one, I find it hard to believe that I'll just get used to it all. So many expectations people have of me. I just don't think that that's who I'm supposed to be.
This time I won't say anything as I leave, it's stupid to talk to an overgrown log with leaves.

Hello Tree, I am fourteen, I've got my GCSE's soon and that's a bit scary, sometimes my emotions really overwhelm me, sometimes I'm sad when there's no point at all, the reason why I'm not quite sure but it's constant, it seems to never end, something ongoing that I don't know how to mend.

Hello Tree, my dear old friend, I'll be sixteen this December. I wish I'd made a note of things to look back on and remember.
so I wrote this poem so I could see, just how much that time has changed me. I was always told I was too kind for my own good but now I don't know where that part of me could be, sometimes I feel lost or scared of the future. scared I'll hurt others like they have hurt me, everyone has a plan for the future it seems, except for me. So I just sit here to calm my nerves. A place where I can be, far away from pressure and hurt, A place to write where I feel calm and can learn, I've got places to be Tree, and I don't know when or if I'll see you again, so I'll take with me my faded notebook and slightly rusty pen.

Goodbye Tree, one final time, I'm leaving now to go and live my life. One day this place will be nothing more than a tattered memory. Maybe I'll return here when I get old, but for now I seek the future and all that it holds.


(I know it's not really entirely nature based but it's about life and childhood all the same, Thank you for reading. FYI this is not my life story although it is written to seem like a person's life, just a random reminder that everything I write is purely fictional. Thank you again for reading.)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 (𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐲)Where stories live. Discover now