Xiao x reader

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Character from: Genshin Impact

Background information: You are a Yaksha as well, and only Xiao and Zhongli know of your existence. Xiao took you in and now you are living together. But there is an underlying attraction you two couldn't shake.

With the dawn of your new life, you came to reside with Xiao in his serene abode on the outskirts of Liyue.

The quaint house was nestled amidst blooming flowers and swaying trees, a haven of peace away from the bustling city.

Together, you forged a bond that transcended your shared pasts, one that was rooted in healing and mutual support.

One night, after Xiao had been plagued by another nightmare, he found himself standing outside the door to your room.

He hesitated for a moment, then gently pushed the door open.

Moonlight spilled into the room, illuminating your peaceful slumber.

Without conscious thought, Xiao found himself drawn to your side, the familiarity of your presence comforting him.

Carefully, he slid into the bed beside you, his heartache dissipating as he felt your warmth seep into his bones.

In the quiet of the night, your breaths synchronized, and Xiao found solace in the simple act of being near someone who understood his pain.

You stirred slightly and then, to Xiao's surprise, you turned towards him, your eyes half-open.

"Y/n," he whispered, his voice fragile as he struggled to find the right words.

You smiled gently, reaching out to caress his cheek.

"I know, Xiao. It's okay." And then, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, you enveloped Xiao in a warm embrace.

He nestled into your arms, his head resting against your chest, and you held each other as the night drifted on.

As dawn broke, Xiao awoke to find himself back in his own bed, the memory of your embrace lingering like a balm on his soul.

In the days that followed, he found himself seeking your company more often, your connection deepening with each shared moment.

One night felt different from the others.

Xiao found himself longing for more than just your warm embrace.

His body felt warm, just by the mere thought of being with you.

His cheeks had a red tint and his breaths were heavy as Xiao slowly got into a sitting position.

His body was excited, so much that it hurt.

Xiao knew he had to take care of this, so he reached for a simple piece of cloth.

Something like this has happened to him before, but never had it been so intense.

Slowly, Xiao reached for his member, the lightest touch made him gasp.

As he traced his fingers over the skin, Xiao started to gasp and shiver.

No matter what he tried, he couldn't get rid of his boner.

A collection of my random lemon one-shots, because yes.Where stories live. Discover now