Lucifer x reader

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Character from: Obey me!

Background: I recently saw a video where it was revealed to Mc that they've been the plaything for the brothers and that none of them really loved them, they all basically just wanted to have a taste of Mc's pure soul. So I had the idea to turn the tables on lord Diavolo.


You couldn't believe what you just heard.

Devildom's property? You?

The brothers stood by lord Diavolo's side, eyeing you like one would expect demons to view prey.

It wasn't like you had expected anything else though.

You've been betrayed way too often to be broken by something like that.

The surprise on your face vanished quickly, replaced by laughter.

At first, you only chuckled, but those chuckled quickly turned into laughing.

Through your laughter, you caught a glimpse of the demon lord and the brothers.

Lord Diavolo wore a puzzled expression, and most of the brothers started to look uneasy.

Lucifer seemed sad though, and Barbatos... he looked as though he wanted to apologize but knew that a „I'm sorry" won't fix shit.

„Oh, the irony!" you said „This is just history repeating itself, isn't it?"

„What are you talking about, human?" Satan asked, the harsh tone tainted with curiosity.

„What do I mean? I mean this!" you gestured around you.

„My entire life I've been betrayed over and over again, but this... this is truly like an angels fall from grace!"

The words left your lips and hit the demon brothers like a whip.

Lucifer even flinched, suddenly realizing that you were right.

He remembered the day he fell from grace: the pain of loosing his sister fresh in his heart, coupled with gods harsh judgement.

But today was slightly different: Lucifer was in the judging party, and the reality of his actions slowly dawned on him.

He had used you, played with your feelings and with his own feelings.

All the tries to hide the truth from everyone else, to shield himself from the love he felt for you... they seemed selfish now.

So while Lucifer was torn between his loyalty to lord Diavolo and his love for you, your disdain was clear as day.

„But what did I expect from a bunch of demons?" you scoffed „I should have known that y'all are selfish, manipulative, good-for-nothing monsters."

Each of your words cut deeper, and Barbatos, the loyal butler of lord Diavolo, noticed how Lucifer flinched at each word.

„I don't need this, I don't need you, I don't need your empty promises, and I sure as fuck don't any offerings or apologies" you turned to the door.

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