Asmodeus x reader

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Character from: Obey me!

Background: you're the human exchange student without magic. But for a human, you sure had a bold attitude, a loose mouth and not really a filter.

You just finished putting some demonology books into your locker, when someone approached you from behind.

"Hello darling" someone purred right into your ear.

"Hi Asmo, how are ya?" you politely ask as you turn around.

The avatar of lust stood there with his charming smile.

"Oh, I am doing just fine, although..." he trailed off, biting his lip seductively before continuing "I'd be better with you by my side."

"Is that so?" you ask, raising your eyebrow.

From the looks of it, the fifth born brother was gravely underestimating you.

"Oh absolutely" Asmodeus purred as he inched closer to you.

You chuckled, hoping that Asmodeus would keep himself under control.

You knew it was wishful thinking though.

Asmodeus could have been named "lechery" and it wouldn't really make a difference.

"I am surprised there are no girls around you today" you said, to which Asmodeus could only flash a dazzling smile.

"Oh Y/n, the only girl I need around me is you" he said, giving you a wink.

"And I mean that quite literally" Asmodeus added, as if you didn't know what he was talking about.

But you were very much aware of what he wanted.

And usually, he wouldn't beat around the bush like that.

"Oh, so you are saying you want my pussy?" you ask with a grin, taking a tiny step towards him.

Your little joke had the intended effect: it caused Asmodeus to blush.

"Would you deny me though?" he asked, raising a brow and leaning in close to you.

You smirked and quickly checked to see if you two were alone in the hallways.

Oddly enough, it was empty.

So you decided to use his game against him.

You let your hands wander underneath his shirt and placed them on his hips.

"What if I denied you?" you playfully asked, slowly rubbing your hands up and down his hips.

"Oh my, darling... you know I always get what I want..." he purred as he slowly backed you up against the locker.

"Careful now Asmo" you said, applying some pressure to your grip, pulling Asmodeus closer by his hips.

"Ohh... oh darling.. I knew you craved me" he seductively licked his lips.

Luckily, there was a wall to your right side, so you used your right hand for toying with Asmodeus a little.

It was a bold move, but you snuck your hand into his pants.

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