Lloyd x Reader

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Character from: Ninjago

Background: so this one shot will play shortly after Harumi was defeated. Lloyd was still salty and heartbroken because of it. And on top of that, there were tons of fangirls bothering him every time he went outside. Thinking he'll never get some sort of normality back into his life, Lloyd escaped the clutches of his fangirls barely and was now sitting in a café.

A/n: if something sounds strangely similar... yes, I am currently reading Haunting Adeline and.. oh boy... Zade and Addie are affecting me very much while writing this. Also I think the song just fits really well.

Staring out the window, Lloyd watched the rain droplets run down the glass.

Only a few moments ago, the sun had been shining and out of the blue, the weather decided that it was time for rain again.

His green eyes seemed empty of expression, his chin was resting on his left hand, while he traced the edge of his cup with the right thumb.

It was one of the many moments where Lloyd just zoned out, allowing the hurt and betrayal from Harumi to overcome him again.

No matter how many times Nya or Cole told him that he should focus on something else, no matter how often Zane advised him to not focus on the pain, Lloyd couldn't help it.

Even Kai and Jay watched with concern, knowing that Harumi had struck a chord in Lloyd's heart.

Harumi had been down right evil and Lloyd was beating himself up about how he didn't notice sooner.


You wiped a bit of blood from your cheek, as you just finished knocking out the last of these criminals.

The fight had been bloody, but you weren't hurt.

Before you, tied up and knocked out, lay some of the last remnants of the "Sons of Garmadon".

"Sickos" you spat, taking off your gloves.

Pulling your mask and hood down, you revealed your long h/c hair and your full lips to the world.

You yourself were a member of a certain gang, which went by the name "Phantom Nest".

Each member of the gang was referred to as a "phantom", and the sole purpose was to find last remnants of the enemies the ninja have defeated, as well as take down other criminal organizations, such as pedophiles.

You basically cleaned up after the ninja, but it didn't stop there.

You sighed, knowing that every nest depended heavily on their queen.

And in this case, an entire underground network depended on their "phantom queen".

Secret tunnels, secret routes, underground transactions and shippings, and all was under the Phantom Nest's influence.

Shaking off your thoughts, you decided to treat yourself to a nice cup of hot chocolate.

Just the perfect drink for this shitty weather.

"Stupid rain" you muttered, letting your equipment vanish into your bag.

Hiding it in the alleyway alongside your mask and gloves, you joined the daily hustle and bustle of the city.

A collection of my random lemon one-shots, because yes.Where stories live. Discover now