Yugi x reader

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Character from: Yu-Gi-Oh

Background: Because Yami gets more appreciation than his host and I don't like that. Let's be real, when I searched up "yugi" I found more pictures of Yami than Yugi. Same goes for the one shots. I can barely find any Yugi one shots. So anyway, in this story, both you and Yugi are sixteen, and Yugi is a little taller than in the anime.

It was rare to find moments of relaxation with your friends.

There was always something happening.

Wether it was Joey getting himself in trouble, Tristan beating Joey up, Thea gossiping or Yugi and the pharaoh getting caught up in some weird magic shit, there was alway something happening.

But that was okay, you loved the clique for it.

Today was such a day of relaxation.

Solomon, Yugi's grandfather had booked a camping trip of sorts.

He had managed to book little houses near a beautiful lake.

However, as relaxed as the lakeside was, you couldn't find a comfortable position in your bed.

You turned and tossed around in your bed, unable to fall asleep.

Unable to take this any longer, you reached for your phone and texted Yugi.

Yo, are you still awake?



I can't sleep

Me neither

Can you come over?

sure. I am on my way

Your heart was pounding and your cheeks gained a slight blush.

You couldn't deny one thing: Yugi had gotten under your skin.

How? You had no idea.

But it did happen and you found yourself having a crush on him.

A knock was heard at your room door.

"Y/n, may I come in?"

"Yes" you answered and the door was pushed open.

Yugi slipped into the room, he was wearing his pajamas but something was missing.

"Are you not wearing your puzzle?" you asked.

"No. I don't want him to see you like this," Yugi said.

You chuckled, completely ignoring the undertone in Yugi's voice.

"So... what do you wanna do?" Yugi suddenly asked.

"I don't know... I didn't think this far." You admitted.

Yugi chuckled and approached you.

He sat down on the bed next to you, giving you a small smile.

A collection of my random lemon one-shots, because yes.Where stories live. Discover now