Lucifer x vamp-demon!Barbatos x reader

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Characters from: Obey Me!

Background: I just woke up and thought: hey, why not? So anyways, you are a female human exchange student, and Barbatos is a mix between demon and vampire. He has some vampiric attributes, for example he needs to drink blood regularly or at least once a week. Before you came to Devildom, there was some tension between Lucifer and Barbatos, because Lucifer found out about Barbatos being half vampire half demon.

You walked to Lucifer's study again.

It had become a route you took daily, claiming that you needed to study in peace.

Satan has offered you to study in his room a couple of times, but you had politely denied each offer.

At some point, Satan and the other brothers have given up on asking you to study in their rooms.

You gently knocked at the wooden door.

„Lucifer? I am here for the study session." „Come in."

As you pushed open the dark wooden door, Lucifer set his pen down, putting away the document he had been working on.

„Ah, Y/n. I am guessing you have some questions regarding another topic from school?"

„Yeah, I just can't wrap my head around it" you said as you closed the door.

Mammon walked passed Lucifer's room, but decided to not interfere.

He had no idea what was about to go down.

Lucifer muttered an incantation and gestured towards the door, effectively looking and sound-proofing it.

„Do you think your brothers know what we are doing?" you asked, a slight blush on your cheeks.

„So what? They'll know you are mine, and that's a good thing, right?"

„I-.... I guess it is..." you looked up at Lucifer.

The tall demon gently lifted your chin, and kissed you.

His lips connected with yours and you closed your eyes in enjoyment.

Lucifer's scent was all around you, a nice blend of his manly fragrance and his natural scent.

„Can't you wait for me?!"

The owner of that voice showed up: Barbatos.

He came up from under Lucifer's desk, adjusting his clothing and hair.

„Ah, Barbatos. How was the hiding spot?"

„I must admit, I did feel rather safe there. Plus, I enjoyed the view on your crotch very much."

Barbatos winked at Lucifer, his tone was suggestive and you couldn't help but smile.

„My sweet Y/n, I have missed you" the butler said, turning his attention to you.

„I am guessing lord Diavolo has made your life torturous again?"

„I am not in the position to judge my masters doings" he just answered.

„Yea, sure" you playfully rolled your eyes and Lucifer pulled you closer.

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