The arrival.

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Kie is at Sarah's house having a little pamper session. Sarah's being really quiet though.

"Hey. What's up with you?" Kie asks

"So you remember my like ... estranged ... brother?"

"Erm, I mean idk you've mentioned it a few times before not really" Kie shrugs finishing of painting her nails.

"Well ... he's kinda ... moving here"

"Here? To the outer banks?" She says shocked

"Yep" Sarah sighs

"How come?" Kiara asks intrigued

"Well it's kinda sad actually, his mum just died and he needs a legal guardian or he gets put in care so ...."

"Your dad" Kie nods understanding

"His dad too I guess" Sarah shrugs

"What's the story there anyways"

"Well my dad had an affair when Rafe was little and got her pregnant"

"Did your mum ever find out?"

"Not until she was already pregnant with me, so ... she stayed"

"So how old is he then?"

"Like 5 months older then me I think"

"So .... Wheezie?"

"Well the way my dad tells it, mum could never forgive him and she was their attempt to save their marriage. But ... I guess it didn't work .... She left anyway didn't she?" She says sadly

"Dad only told us about him after she left, I've only met him like twice, once at my grandads funeral and once when his mum was on her honeymoon, but that was like 6 years ago"

"So she was married? What about his step dad then?"

" prison" she fake smiles

"Wow, he's had it rough"


"So what's his name?"

"John James, he likes to be called JJ though"

"JJ huh, so when's he moving?"

"Erm ... tomorrow"


"Yep, everything's about to change, and not in a good way. Rafe hates him, he still blames him for mum leaving"

"But that isn't his fault?"

"I know, it's my dads but rafe won't ever admit that, it's easier for him to direct his anger at JJ"

"And what about you?"

"I don't dislike him, I just don't know him, and I doubt he even wants to know us, it's probably his worst nightmare coming to live here"

"What about your dad? How does he feel about it?"

"He normally likes to pretend JJ doesn't exist, it's easier for him that way"

"So they don't get on then"

"Would you if your dad ignored you your whole life and called you his biggest mistake?"

"I guess not"

"I gotta go, it's getting late and my mums called me like 3 times already" Kie says getting up.

"Aww Kie will you please come round tomorrow, for moral support"

"I dunno Sarah it sounds complicated"

"Oh please, your my best friend I need you" she begs

"Ah ok fine" she smiles

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