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Kie stayed comforting Sarah until she fell asleep.

She gets up to leave but hesitates as she passes JJ's door.

She knocks

"JJ?" She whispers

He comes to the door.

"What's up?" He says still looking angry.

"I just wanted to see if you were ok? I heard you arguing with ward earlier?"

"So? Why would you care anyway? We're not friends?"

Kie nods sadly "ok " she whispers walking away


"For what?" She sighs

He opens his door further.

"I'm sorry ok? He just wound me up"

"Don't let him get to you"

"Easy for you to say"

"What makes you think that? Your not the only one with problems JJ?"

"Wow well I'm sorry for being so selfish my bad"

"That's not what I meant and you know it" she looks at him sternly and his eyes soften.

"Look about what happened earlier" she adds

"Forget about it it's no big deal"

"Your my best friends brother! How is that not a big deal?"

"Kiara calm down, I won't tell Sarah ok? Chill"

"Ok" she breathes out calming down

"And I mean we didn't actually do anything ... so it's fine ... let's just forget about it" Kie mutters trying to convince herself.

"Forget about what?" Rafe buts in suddenly

"Jesus rafe!" Kie jumps

"Where the fuck did you come from?" JJ rolls his eyes.

"Forget about what Kie?"

"None of your business dickhead" JJ says

"Did he .. do something to you?" Rafe asks her

"What? no!"

"Because if he did then..." he steps forward to JJ

"Then what?" JJ steps to him

"Stop it both of you"

"You heard her, now fuck of" JJ says

Kiara looks at both of them and rolls her eyes

"I'm going home, I'll ... see you later"

She leaves.

"You really think you stand a chance with her?" Rafe laughs

"What would you know about it?"

"I know she would never even look twice at a waist of space piece of shit like you"

"What the fuck is your problem with me man?!"

"What the fuck do you think? You destroyed my family"

JJ looks confused.

"Just stay the fuck away from her!" Rafe says before walking of.

JJ goes back in his room and closes the door. He never asked for any of this, now more then ever he just wants to go home, his real home, and this wasn't it.


*next morning

Sarah's bangs on JJ's door, when he doesn't answer she storms in, they were gunna be late for school.

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