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"You ok?" Kiara asks as JJ gets in the car.


"What's wrong?" She asks a little worried

"I just had another argument with ward, no big deal"

"You sure?"


"Anyway Rafe knows about us now, and ... he's threatening to tell Sarah" he goes on

"What? ... shit" she puts her hands to her face

"He said he won't if we  erm ... stay away from each other"

"And you actually believe him?"

"Look I don't know Kie? I don't wanna cause shit between you and your best friend"

"So that's it then? We're avoiding each other?"

"I just ... I don't ..."

"Fine if that's what you want"

"Kie don't be like that.."

"no it's cool" she looks away and sees Sarah walking up to the car.

"Ok" he sighs running his hands through his hair.

When they get to school kiara walks straight of to class, telling them she had some homework to finish, but JJ knew that was a lie.

Sarah and JJ are now walking into school

"JJ" she stops and looks at him sadly

"Yeah?" He turns to her seeing the expression on her face.

"You heard?" he says in realisation

She nods

"Whatever happens I just want you to know that ... I'm here ... you're my family" her eyes gloss over.

Then he does something that surprises her, he pulls her in for a hug.

"Thanks Sarah"

"You know for a sister, your not that bad" he smiles slightly

Hearing him used the word sister really makes her happy inside.

"Same goes for you" she smirks

"Brother" she adds teasingly

He pushes her and laughs

They walk into school.


*kies in class early and Jake walks up to her


She looks up from the desk

"Oh hey"

"I texted you this morning"

"Did you? Sorry I must of missed it"

"no worries, anyways I was hoping you would come out with me later, after school ... we could grab some food"

She thinks about it for a second, she's not really in the right headspace for this right now. But fuck it, what's she got to lose.

"I mean I'm working after school .. but I can meet you after? If you want?"

"Sounds good" he takes his seat in the class giving her a cheeky smile.



"So ... Jake told me you two have got a date laterrr" Sarah says excitedly running up to kiara whose walking out of class.

"Woah you what now?" She jumps

"Your date?"

"date? no it's not a date" Kie brushes it of and they walk down the corridor together.

"Don't kid yourself Kie, it's defo a date" she laughs

Shit, if Jakes going round saying it's a date, I hope JJ doesn't hear she thinks to herself.

"So do you ... like him?!" She teases

Kie just rolls her eyes

"You do don't you! I knew it! I'm such a good matchmaker!" Sarah smiles

JJ's at his locker about to go to the cafeteria when pope and John B come over to him.


"Hey man"

"So I heard Sarah stayed at yours last night?" JJ teases

"Yeah sorry dude I know it's probably weird for you" John B replies

"It's all good man, just ... treat her well, that's all I care about"

"Of course"

"Anyway speaking of ... how's your love life?" JB smirks

"Ah don't even ask dude" JJ sighs

"Well now Kiaras of the market I guess you'll be looking elsewhere, I heard Amy's single" pope chimes in

"What?" JJ says surprised

"Amy? She's in our calculus class.."

"no the other thing"

"What kiara?" Pope asks


"I just heard she's with Jake know idk" he shrugs

"Where'd you here that from?"

"Jake told me, he said he's taking her on a date later"

"A date?"


*end of school and JJ and Kie are in the same class, Kiaras picking her books up into her bag about to leave.

"So were you gunna tell me?" JJ comes over to her

She looks up confused


"So we called it of this morning and your already going on a date?"

"Ugh JJ I can't be arsed with this" she sighs tiredly "why are you questioning me, I thought you wanted to avoid each other so why does it matter?"

"You don't think I still care?"

"I don't know what to think anymore JJ" she says defeatedly.

"We can't be together? Can we? We'll never be able to be that couple that holds hands in the hall or .. goes on dates ... will we?" She chokes. It hurts him to hear her say that, but even more that he agrees with her.

"So I might as well try where I can?"

"So you can turn your feelings of that easily?" He says hurt

"Who said I have?!" She snaps

"And just so you know, it's not a date, not from my side anyway" she adds

"How would you feel if I did that?"

She sighs thinking about the question.

"Ok yeah I wouldn't like it" she admits


"JJ I've got to get to work ... I'm sorry"

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