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*after school, JJ walks up to Sarah in the car park.

"Isn't kiara taking us h..... back to your house?"

"Erm no she had to get home"

"Is she ... alright?"

"I think so .. why wouldn't she be?" Sarah replies casually.

"No reason"

"Rafe said he'd pick us up anyway"

"no way, I'll walk"

"Don't be stupid, it'll take you ages"

Rafe pulls up in front of them.

"Get in losers"

JJ returns the stare he's getting from Rafe and gets in the back of the car, to the seat furthest away from his possible.

Sarah rings Kie when she's in the car. Obviously JJ can only hear what Sarah's saying.

"Hey your still coming round later right?"

K- erm idk if I can anymore sorry

"Aw why"

K- I just have some stuff to deal with at home

"Oh are you ok? I can come over.."

K- no don't worry I'm fine, I'll see you at school tomorrow, bye.

The phone goes dead

"Oh" Sarah says taking the phone away from her ear.

"What was that about?" Rafe asks

"I dunno Kies acting weird" Sarah shrugs

This makes JJ eyes perk up from his phone and pay attention. He can't lie he's a little worried about her.

*Kies house

Kie walks into her front door , dumps her bag down and looks around for her dad, who'd texted her.


"Good your here, I'm going to stay at my brothers for a few days"

"Your brothers sure" Kie rolls her eyes, she's known about his affair for over a year now.

"Where's mum?" She asks

He points to the front room and then makes a b line for the front door.

Kie walks in and sees her mum sat there, looking blank, staring at the wall, with a bottle of champagne  sat in front of her.

"Mum?" She walks over to her, she doesn't respond.

"Mum! This is a 500 dollar bottle, where'd you get the money?" The asks  looking the champagne.

Her mum just sits there not saying a word.

Suddenly kiara starts to panic, she runs up to her room, pulls out a box from under her bed, opens it and ... it's empty. Fuck

"Mum! Where's my money!" She bursts back into the front room upset.

Her mum finally turns her head to look at her daughter.

"Your money?"

"Yes my money, all the money I've saved from working almost every day! Where is it?! You took it didn't you?"

"I raised you for seventeen years, this is the least I deserve!"

"I was saving that money for college!"

"Don't kid yourself kiara, you won't get in, I've done you a favour" she says coldly.

"Well this is mine then" kie shouts picking up the bottle but her mum grabs hold of it.

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