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"Did you ever love me?"

"What kind of question was that? Of course I do! And you know it!", she answered with a little frown appeared on her pretty face.

"Nuhhh just merely asking.."

Yeahhh so here I am, hopelessly in love with my best friend for so long. The best thing is she doesn't even have any clue. I mean, how dense can she be? Sometimes I thought I already gave her too much hints, but like always, she took all of my flirtations, my over-friendliness as part of our beautiful friendship.


My name is Kang Haerin, currently lives in a very complicated life. Well, it's rather about my love life, or is that any?

Maybe we can save that story for another time.

You see, as cliche as it sounds like, I am one of those unfortunate people who fall for their best friend. I mean, who does that? And I don't even know will my love life turned out to be that drama-cliche type that very much will end up beautifully?

I don't know!

And yes I am a coward. I will never confess it to her. Maybe some of you think that she will understand as she is my best friend, but I don't even want to take even a small risk. I don't want to lose her, I can't! She always have this huge part of role in my life, and I'd rather have her as my best friend than lose her completely. Simple. It's all or nothing.

friend. I mean, who does that? And I don't even know will my love life turned out to be that drama-cliche type that very much will end up beautifully?

Ohh and I forgot to tell you guys one more reason why I'll not risk our friendship by confessing my love to her,

she is a homophobe...



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