Chapter 7. Day One

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Today is the day where the whole deal between Dani and me started. I don't exactly know where all of these will bring me, but the sound of Dani being my girlfriend is not so bad at all. Eventhough just for 13 days, but at least I still got the privilege to call her my girlfriend even for just once in a lifetime.

I woke up in the morning and decided to make an extra effort in presenting myself. Not that I look terrible before, I know I'm kinda good looking kind of person thanks to the genetics I got from my mom and dad, but maybe I should double my efforts in order to capture my girlfriend's heart. Arghhhh it sounds strange but oh how so welcoming this feelings are.

I saw Dani already waiting for me in her doorstep. Damn I'm not late didn't I? So much for making a good first impression. I don't know why I feel nervous because come on she still my best friend no matter what right? Calm down heart calm down! But she looks so beatiful like I know she's the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. But now, with her standing at the front door looking down at her phone and where's that wind coming from btw? The wind slowly blowing through her face and makes her hair looks even smooth and silky like some hair shampoo advertisement. My girlfriend is an angel!

"Hey Dani. Am I being late? Sorry tho..", I said apologetically.

"Ouhh hey Haerin. No you're not. I just came out here like 2 minutes ago."

"Cool. Let's go then.."

I tried to be as much gentlewomanly as I can. I open the passenger door for her. Usually we just walk together to school but today I want to make her feel special like riding the car with her and later I can drop her off just like how a good girlfriend should be right?

"Well thanks. Just so you know I can open it myself right?", Dani said with an amused expression.

"Nuhh I just tried to be a good girlfriend to you..", I tried to sound chill while winked a bit to her.

And wait? Is that a small smile at the corner of her lips and some blushes creeping up her face??..

"So, what should we do at the school?..", Dani asked me while walking through the school's front door.

"Ummm we have class?", I replied a bit confusely as
where's this come from.

She looked at the surrounding before answered: "No, I meant about this whole girlfriend thing. Should we like announce it out loud or what??.."

She sure looks uncomfortable. That actually made my heart stings a lil bit, knowing she's not into this as much as me. She just agreed to this for me. But I can't back out now and should get over all of these. To prevent anymore awkwardness at least after these 13 days.

So I decided to give her a small smile while shaking my head a bit.

"No silly. We don't have to announce or do something like that. Just let me send you off to class can I?"

"Of course. Come on!"

When it's the lunch time, I met Dani at her locker. Seems like some of the students already spread the news like a wildfire. Of course, as Dani is one of the popular student at our school. She's the head cheerleader for crying out loud that make her listed as one of the top bitch at school. I even heard some whispering like

"That's why Hyein can't even maintaining her previous relationships, she's into chicks.." or something about me like "Maybe Haerin stay single all this time just because she already fall for her best friend long time ago.." which is kind of correct.

I tried to gauge Dani expression but with her expertise in masking her real feelings, all I can see is her blankface reacting like she doesn't care at all. I started to feel like all of these are so wrong.

"Hey Dani, how about we have our lunch under that tree besides the field?"

"Ouhh I thought we gonna buy something to eat first?",
she asked quizically.

"All done here! I've prepared your favourite..", I showed her the container food I brought from home.

"Seriously? That's why you are the best Haerin..", she seems happy so that's a point for me right?

While eating, I tried to have a conversation about our situation now..

"Humm Dani.. Do you regret this?.."

"Humm what??.."

She's busy munching on her favourite chicken slices and macaroons that I prepared for her. Gosh why she always look so adorable..

"About this pretending thing between us? You can just say it if you are uncomfortable ya know? No matter what, I will always want to keep you as my best friend, at least I don't want to lose that.."

"Why? Did I look uncomfortable?"

"I don't know truthfully. You tell me.."

She seems lost in her deep thoughts for awhile before slowly taking a deep breath. Maybe this is it! Maybe she will just walk away and don't want to have to do anything with me anymore.. Gosh Haerin you are fucked up!

"No Haerin! I'm okay with being your girlfriend if that's what you are worrying about. But I still try to adapt to this situation you know? I've been raised in a different way and while most of our friends are cool with it, there's still people out there who will never approve of this. What if my grandma find out? I don't know how to react but I don't want to lose you as well.."

The way she said it in a worried way really breaks my heart. Guess I'm such a selfish person right? How can I think this can solve whatever problem between us??..

"Dani, you listen to me. No matter what, you will never lose me. You don't think you can get rid of me that easily aren't you??..", I tried to lessen the stressful atmosphere around us and seems like that brought a smile on her angelic face.

"And we can just cancel all this pretending thing btw.

As long as you'll still be my best friend, I'll accept that.." Yeahhh maybe this is it! We just meant to be bestfriend forever I guess.


Well what happened now?

"I mean no we don't have to cancel this plan or whatsoever. And you can still try your best to prove to me that you are a good girlfriend. Can you?.."

Seems like the cheerful sound of Dani make me feel less guilty. Yeahhh! Guess I still should plan multiple ways to be a good girlfriend to her for another 12 days..



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