Chapter 2. Going To School

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We walk to school together everyday. It took 15 minutes to reach our school and we definitely can drive our own car that just take 5 minutes to reach there. But, we prefer just relaxing and take a walk every morning, "To get some fresh air before stuffed our head with all those knowledges", I quote from Dani.

As we entered our school gate, we saw Minji and Hanni are holding hands while talking and smiling with each other. Of course I'll spontaneously smile upon seeing them being so happy and cute together. And yes! Minji and Hanni is one of those open and proud gay couple! No one can deny that they are really cute and perfect together. I stated one of those before because there are still other gays and lesbians couples that being proudly open in our school.

Nothing weird for me and I think everyone just accept everyone's sexuality. Everyone! Well except...

"Can they not be this openly disgusting with each other? Now my morning mood already has been ruined!!"

Muttered Dani slowly but loud enough for me to hear. But the good thing about Dani is she'll never openly insult them. No matter how disgusted she felt, she'll just keep it to herself or in this case just loud enough for me to hear.

"Well that's their business. Come on you just don't have to look at them!", I said quite bitterly while pulling her hand towards our first class.

But, she'll never know how I felt right...

After school...

We went to the nearby restaurant to have lunch together. Since we finished class early today, we can happily skip the cafeteria food. No often Ms Momo Hirai  (the school cafeteria's owner), but sometimes your food suck!

You guys must be wondering why we seem always spending time together right? Well, first because we are the best buddy, since we were 9. And now we already 18. So, 9 years together made us inseparable. And second, because both of us didn't have any boyfriend for now.

Or maybe girlfriend for me??


I don't even come out of the closet yet!

And before you guys asked me, the answer is yes!! I'm gay! But no one knows about this! Sometimes I think my parents already figured me out, they just decided to let me to come true to myself in my own time! And they are a cool parents so yeah that's a bonus! And I think my big brother also have sensed that I play for another team as well!

Ohhh Soobin is 22, he's like a male version of me! Sometimes people thought we are twins. We have quite a lot of the same features except his height is more tall than me, but everything is totally the same and He's Soobin and I'm Haerin, of course people thought we are twins. But no!!

Okay, so enough about me!

Sometimes I wonder why Dani is still single. I know for a fact that she has so many admirers that willing to do anything for her. She's beautiful, intelligent, nice, popular, beautiful.. Wait did I say beautiful twice?

Ohh I did!

But the point is, whenever I asked her why she still stayed single? Her lame answers will be that she didn't want me to feel alone or that boys are stupid or no guys peek her interest yet.

"Dani why are you still single?", I asked randomly while dipping my fries into my milkshake.

Dani eyeing my action, she'll never understand how much heavenly I feels eating fries with milkshake. Frowning while shaking her head a bit, she answered,

"Where's this coming from tho?"

"Well just asking! I mean you are that popular beautiful girl and the head cheerleader as well for heaven sake! I'm more than sure that there's a lot of guys are hitting on you..", I trailed my words carefully while complimenting her a bit. I'm not being that obvious right?

"Nuhhh.. Boys are stupid! And I'm not interested in anyone now..", she simply answered.

See??! That's like her scheme of answering this type of question! She didn't even bother to find another excuse!

"Maybeeeee.... You should open your eyes for girls as well?", I teased her while wiggling my eyebrows.

"Pfffttt.. I don't think I'll choose to be gay!.. It's an abomination..", she curtly answer it like it is some kind of personal choice to be gay.



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