Chapter 3. Teasing

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I noticed slightly annoyed expressions on Haerin's cute face. What? She is indeed an attractive girl I must say. It doesn't need to mean anything.

"Dani why are you so against those gay people? You're so homophobic aren't you?", she asked while frowning a bit.

"Woww that's quite a harsh accusation there bestie..", I simply answered.

"Then why are you so against them? I don't see any of them harrased you or something..", she scoffed a bit. Looks like she's really irritated with me.

I take a deep breath before answering her. I know everyone assumed I'm such a homophobic. It's not that I hate them, just in my life I've been taught what's right and what's not.

"I'm not really against them Haerin. It just.."


"Ya know how I've been raised by my Grand mother since I was a kid right?"

"Ummm yeahh.. What's the point?"

"Well I've been to church every Sunday since I learned how to walk. And sometimes at certain days, there's talk about how wrong these LGBTQ community are.

It's something against the nature. It's an abomination to the world. And I've been taught on what's right and wrong every single day!""Well. Ya know what? I think you should know God love every creations He made. Who are us to judge? And did you really think they have a choice in this particular matter?", she asked even more furious! Woww it's a rare thing to see Haerin feel mad at something. And now she's kinda mad at me...

"Ok you have your own view and I respect that. And so do you, just respect my view."

Her face still appeared red which mean she's still mad at me.

"Besides don't get mad at me pleaseeeee... How about we drop this??...", I beg her to drop the topic while pouting a bit. Knowing that's one of her weakness.

She released quite a long sigh before finally give in..

"Urghhh that's not fair.. Fine then!..."

And I do some little dance victory..!


How can I said anything back when she's pouting like that??! Damn Dani with her beautiful face and damn my stupid crush on her as well!

How can we stop crushing on someone? I've been thinking this for years and I realised there's still no way out. Yeahhh years because I started to realize my feelings for her since like 3 years ago! How the hell I still can act so cool like this, that's a big achievement for me! And I don't know how long I can hold onto this...

I should do something

"Hey bestie. What will we do today?", Dani asked as we are having our breakfast together.

Yeahhh it's weekend and it's common for us to have breakfast together. She's currently came over to my house and as my parents already love her to death, they prepared a lot of food so that we don't have to get those crappy food outside. That's what my mom saying.

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