Chapter 1. My Human Alarm Clock

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"Come on Haerin, we'll be late for school. Wake up!!"

See... That's one of the reason why I love this girl. She always come to my house as early as possible just to wake me up. I guess my parents already give up and Dani gladly took over that duty.

Ohhh! Totally forgot to tell you guys who is my very best friend is. She is Danielle Marsh,  She preferred people calling her Danielle, more cute was what she stated. She was actually born in Australia, but her mother decided to live in seoul because of work.

I am her best friend and of course tend to call some different name than normal. At first she'll always get mad at me when I call her Dani. I mean it such a cute name right and who the hell even want people to call them by their name? But yeahhh! She's different. She's pretty, sometimes such a shygirl, i really love her when she stares at me. she'll get whatever she wants but sometimes i need to push her or to cheer her up like what i said she's a shygirl. But she do everything with all of her efforts, she will try her hardest everytime.

Anyway after too many times I still insist on calling her Dani, she eventually give in, just for me. She'll never allow other people to call her that. That kind of small privillege already make my heart melts into puddles everytime...

Sue me! I can't even do anything about it. I already told you guys that I've fallen for her. I tried to catch myself everytime I think I fell. But, it just such a failure. Maybe for now, I still can fight and hide it. But later? I don't know...

"Ummmmm.... Gimme 5 more minutes..", I replied sleepily.

"No! Wake up now! Or else..."

"Or else what?", I really didn't have any mood to entertain her this morning as you guys should know I'm not a morning person. But it's Dani afterall...

"Or else... I'll sleep on you! Or sit on your stomach!", she said it in a threatening manner.

"Mehhh.. It will not affect me! You are petite."

Actually Dani is not that tiny. But I'm slightly taller and well-built than her. So I always see her as this tiny person. Her body is perfect. For a person that slightly shorter than me, she sure has such a pair of long legs, and toned muscles as well, maybe due to her cheer practices.

Yes she is a cheerleader. The head cheerleader even. I know for a fact that she worked so hard to get into that position. Maybe because of that, everyone kinda respect her.

"I'm not tiny. Wake up!! Come on Haerin!"

Suddenly, I didn't hear her voice for awhile. Thought maybe she already went out of my bedroom, I slowly peeking through my blanket. And guess what??...


And smirking when she saw my eyes widen upon seeing her action. Then suddenly she fist pump the air as if to claim her victory upon manage to awaken me! Dork...

"Oh gawd help me!!~~", gulped me hard.



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