Chapter 12. Hate The Word "Lesbian"

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I walk to our table reserved by Dani together with Eunchae. She's being nice to me so why not just let her join us right? And she's on the cheerleader team same as Dani, so not that Dani will mind I guess. Well at least that's what I thought. About those glaring that I might just imagining, well maybe it is just my imagination indeed.

Duhh I've said it just now. So shut up brain!

Ok Haerin, don't act stupid in front of your girlfriend now. Act cool act cool...

And Dani is currently staring down at her lap, I wonder what else she'll be interested in besides staring at my face? Not that I'm being full of myself here, but heyyyy this girl still have her own ego aye.!

And ohhhh she's reading a book that she placed on her lap. This beautiful bookworm of mine, just look at her, tilting her head a bit while concentratedly reading every lines and phrases from that book. Maybe I can borrow it from her later.

"Heyy Dani, sorry for being late. It's a hella long ass line there!"

"Nevermind babe. Here, I reserved this seat for you.."

Babe? BABE??

Did I hear it right?

She called me BABE, openly, in this public! And I think there's someone besides me just now!

Oh yeahhh, Eunchae is tagging along!

Greaaattt! Now I'm sure my whole face is as red as a beetroot..! But I still silently sitting besides her anyway..

"Ummm Haerin, why did your face become that red? Are you not feeling well?", Eunchae asked concernly from the opposite side of me.

"No!", I anwered it rather quickly.

"I mean I'm fine. It's kinda hot in here..", I tried to play it cool while pretend to fan myself.

And I saw Dani is proudly smirking from my peripheral sight. This girl surely knows her effect on me and she's definitely gonna be the death of me..!

"Ummm soooo Eunchae, not to be rude or anything but why are you sitting here with us??", Dani started the conversation and trying to not sound annoyed, but being her soulmate, I know every different tones she has.

"Ohhh I'm not feeling to be surrounded by a lot of cheerleaders while have my break today.

All their talking will be about how hot those and that jocks or any hot guys and I was like mehhh.. And I saw Haerin there while lining up, so I tagged along..", Eunchae simply answered while shrugging her shoulder a bit. Totally oblivious to the annoyed tones given. And continue devouring her food. This girl must really loves her food. Well, who didn't?!

Decided to ease the strain awkward tension between them,

"Hey Dani, can I take you out tonight?"

Ohhh woww! I can be quite smooth aren't I..? Yeahh one clap for you Haerin.

"Of course! Is it a date?", Dani asked nonchalantly while eating her chicken sandwich. I'm sure my home made chicken sandwich is better, but that's another topic for another day.

Ohh and she's asking me a question!

"Ummm yeahh.. If you want it to be. I mean, it's okay if you don't like the idea of I'm taking you out on a date or anything but yeahhh I just thought maybe I can do something because ya know..."

I heard a heavenly chuckling besides me and my rambling quickly died down. Crap! I was rambling! So smooth Haerin, so smooth..

"I would love to go on a DATE with you Haerin..", she's smirking while placing her hand on mine. She is really will be the death of me.

"Uhhumm!" Crap I forgot that Eunchae is still with us, probably watching the scene in front of her.

"Ommooooo sooooo... You guys dating?", she's plainly asking while aimlessly stabbing on her chicken.

I decided to see what's Dani reaction and answer for that. She's the one that opposed to the idea of same sex couple afterall!

But to my surprise,

"Yeahh! She's my girlfriend! Any problem with that?", she said it with so much authority in her voice! At that time, nothing else could beat this kind of happiness pooling inside of me! She admitted to other people that I am her girlfriend!

No wayyyy!!

While on the other hand, Eunchae just giggling a bit while shaking her head.

"Ummmm seriously why should I have any problem with that? I am a fricking lesbian aren't I?" Eunchae still sounded amused.

"Not that. I just thought that you... Nevermind then! So why did you ask?"

"No biggie! I thought I'm the only lesbian among the

"Well you are wrong then, I'm sure there's others within our squad..." "... but I'm not a lesbian."

There she goes again! Come on Dani! You can't be feeling disgusting for the word lesbian after you just openly admitted that you have a girlfriend, and the girlfriend happened to sit besides her, which is me!

"Ohh yeahhh? Bisexual then?"

"I.. I.. I don't really want to label myself with anything right now."

"Ohh yeahhh.. Still experimenting huh? Well that's common! But I gotta go now, nature's calling. Thanks for allowing me to sit with you guys! And have a happy date tonight..!", Eunchae shouted from the distance before disappearing among the crowds.

Dani face beam with some sort of happiness after hearing the word date from Eunchae. Guess I should really make a good impression for her tonight!

But one thing that's been bothering me and of course oblivious to Dani Am I just some sort of experiment for her?

Of course I am! She is my girlfriend under my own request!




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