Chapter 8. Day Two

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I've decided to surprise my girlfriend today as it's the school weekend. "Girlfriend?" It still sound quite foreign but damn I feel so good when I'm pronouncing it!

Moving on about my plan! I guess I'll just appear unannounce at her house later this day and bring some of her favourite foods and drinks while watching her favourite movie. And guess what? Her current favourite movie is "The Little Mermaid.". I mean how come there's still people out there who loves that kids movie and unfortunately one of them is her??!

I made a big mistake few months ago when I asked her whether she's already watching that movie or not, and to my surprised she didn't watch it yet and that kind of genre is always her favourite!

Then of course she begged me to watch it with her, like always I never have the courage to say no to her although she knew it very well that I am and never will be a fan of that kind of genre!

She ended up crying multiple times but then she begged me to watch it with her again! And again..!

When I asked her did she not feel boring as we kinda know every little details about that movie yet still watch it, her simple answer was "Nope because I love watching it with you.." You still bear to accompany me eventhough you always end up half-way sleeping.. and will tease the hell out of me everytime! So tell me, how could I not fall for this girl??! Her simple answer already gravitated my heart more and more towards her and there's nothing I can do to stop it....

I reached Danielle's home and politely knocking on her door. Seems like her mom is taking her day off and it's kind of odd because I swear that woman never take a break from her work!

"Hey Haerin! Good to see you after quite some times now. And I must thank you for everything you do for Dani..", her mother talked animatedly after briefly hugged me.

I just stood there dumbfounded, curious as to why and what exactly that I did that make her mother seems so happy to see me. I kinda know that I'm quite an awesome person but what happened exactly? Did I do something that I didn't even realize or maybe just maybe her mother knew about us??.. Well that must not be the case!

"Ummm yeahhh hey Aunty. Pleased to see you as well.. But I didn't really catch that..? What do you mean?"

"Come in first! Go sit while I make you some drink.."

I want to protest and say that I need to see her daughter immediately. But that will be quite rude and I need to be on my best behaviour towards my mother-in-law-to-be after all right? Keep dreaming Haerin..! So, I just simply sit beside the kitchen counter while trying to make a light conversation with her.

"You are off today Aunty?"

"Yeahh but maybe I'll be out running some errands.. You know when you managed the business by your own, you can't totally stay calm at home right. But enough about me. How's school?", she asked me while busy balancing the correct amount of sugar, chocolate, milk and is that some mocha?..

"Okaayyy I guess. Homeworks are annoying as usual and there will be a soccer tournament at this end of the month..", I trailed off while still curiously watching what kind of drink that she tried to make.

"How's Dani at school?..", she still casually asking while tasted her own drink a bit before passed up the whole mug to me. And trust me, my stomach filled with butterflies suddenly upon hearing this certain name...

"She's doing amazing! Like always. And I think she'll have her cheers competition soon but I don't know exactly when..", I said while frowned a bit. Damn! I am such a terrible girlfriend! I should know when will the competition held as it is one of the very important event to her..!

Ok calm down Kang Haerin! You can ask her later and you shouldn't have to remember every little details about her life! That will be so creepy! With that thought, I calmed myself a lil bit and lifting the mug to have a taste on Aunty's mystery drink..

"Woahhh! This is so good! What is this??..", I asked amazedly while gulping the rest of my drink.

"It's the ordinary chocolate mocha my dear. Don't say you never have it before..", she said while raising her perfect eyebrows to me.

"I had but it never tasted this good!", I just answered it honestly because no coffee bean has managed to make this good of a drink!

"Well then you should know I'm good in making one hell kind of any variety of chocolate drinks..", she said while chuckling a bit.

"But anyway I thanked you before because I know it's you who make my baby girl seems so happy lately.

Remember the last time I saw you and asked you to take care of her when she was all moody and sad? Well you really did a good job in making her feel better.

I still feel guilty that I don't know much about her growing up, but I feel so grateful that she has you and your family along by her side. Words will never be enough on how much I owe you..", Aunty slowly expressing her gratitude while shedding some tears.

"No need to thank me Aunty. We have known each other for so long and truthfully you and Dani are already a part of our family. So, it's nothing much..", I said casually to avoid any further emotional drama.

"Sorry for that little emotional breakdown, Aunty tried to sound ghetto but we just end up laughing hysterically.

"Now just go upstair! I know you have plan with my daughter and tell her I'll be out after this. Call me if you guys want anything kay??.."

With that I slowly climb upstairs to Dani room. Her mother didn't need to know I planned this to be a surprise right?

I slowly knock on Dani's bedroom door with one of my hand and waiting. My another hand is quite full with my surprises for her. I also heard the sound of the car engine meaning her mother already off to her workplace.

A beautiful figure of an angel standing there frozen! And that said angel is currently half naked!.. Freshly out from taking a shower with the water still slowly dripping from her hair...

With just her matching black bra and panties..

Oh Lord kill me now!!...

And all of my surprises for her already dropped on the floor, long forgotten when I stand there frozen as well!..

Looks like she's not the only one that feels surprised..!



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