Chapter 1: A spoiled Goldie

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In the past, fairy tales thrived, but with the ascent of technology, their existence faded away. The once enchanting tales seamlessly merged into modern life. Over time, the renowned characters underwent transformations, blending into modern society.

Following Cinderella's marriage to the prince, they were soon crowned as king and queen. Not only did she govern alongside him, but she also managed a global company specializing in luxury goods. Her iconic glass heels became a signature of her brand that soon dominated half of society.

After Cinderella's passing, her legacy continued to be passed down through each family generation. Whenever a child is born into the legacy they inherit a vast fortune. This could be said for a little girl...

From the moment of her birth, the little girl was raised with a silver spoon. Her parents bestowed the name Goldie Locks; her last name was inherited from her mother. With hair as golden as the sun. Long and wavy, it captivated the attention of onlookers. Her blue eyes mirrored the dazzling gaze of her ancestor Cinderella. Her petite, smooth, white skin was as fair as snow.

Goldie looked stunning, like a princess. Born into piles of riches, Goldie was the literal definition of a spoiled rich girl. Everything she desired could be hers with just a single touch. This was especially true as the youngest, with her father giving her everything she wanted.

In the present, Goldie made her way down the halls to her father's office. The hallway was vast, constructed entirely of pure marble and gold. The blonde lady strode purposefully, her hands clenched into fists, giving the impression that she was prepared to punch someone.


The door slammed open, causing Goldie's father to flinch, startled by the abrupt noise. He quickly turned to see his youngest daughter, Goldie Lock, standing before him.

"DADDY!" she yelled.

"Y-yes, Sweetie" Her father said, somewhat scared seeing his daughter with an angry expression.



As Richard (Goldie's father) prepared to speak, he found himself once again interrupted by Goldie's incessant chatter. Her non-stop talking drowned out his own voice in the room, leaving Richard helpless. He could only watch as his spoiled and angry daughter scolded him for his actions. Despite receiving numerous dresses every week, her yelling seemed insatiable.

Richard acknowledged that Goldie was indeed spoiled. He sighed heavily, rubbing his forehead. Amidst the stacks of papers demanding his attention for work, he also had to endure his daughter's daily ramblings.

He blamed himself for indulging her, but what father wouldn't want to spoil their only daughter? Richard and his wife had seven sons, and Goldie was their miracle—a little daughter with his wife's features and his blue eyes.

"DADDY! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING!? I-" Goldie yelled, further testing Richard's patience.

At that point, Richard had had enough of his daughter's nonsense. Her ceaseless complaints only served to irritate him further. While Goldie could be an angel at times, not getting her way would unleash chaos.

Thoughts of sending Goldie to her grandmother's countryside home crossed his mind; perhaps it would provide the reality check this spoiled lady needed.

But being the affectionate he was, he couldn't.

Richard and his whole family were too soft when it comes to Goldie. They cared for her so much that they were willing to live with her spoiled attitude.

Goldie, becoming twenty-two, had no job and solely relied on her family's wealth. Richard refused to let Goldie live off her family's fortune without contributing through work.

Hard and long, tiresome work is how many people manage to get by in life, putting in the effort to achieve their goals. However, the situation was quite the opposite with Richard's own spoiled daughter, who relied on his and his wife's money. Even after Goldie had finished college, she hadn't changed, and her daily spending habits—buying homes and dresses—were what she lived off of.

Richard turned his head up seeing his daughter angry. Her face in a pout with bloated red cheeks and her arms crossed, displeased at him. His worrisome eyes toward his sweet little daughter soon diminished.

He had realized that Goldie was already twenty-two years old. He always reminisces of her as a two-year-old, running to his room with a smile just for a hug, not asking for money. His sweet little sunshine was all grown up. Goldie was no longer a child; she was now capable of making her own decisions.

His eyes narrowed, and he sighed. Every day, Goldie's demand for money always got on his nerves. Now realizing that she wasn't a little kid anymore, Richard finally set his foot down, having had enough of this.

Richard took out a card out of his wallet toward Goldie. "Here, take it," he said.

Godlie, who had been rambling with a frowning face, immediately changed his expression upon seeing the familiar golden card in his father's hand. Her blue eyes dazzled upon glimpsing the shimmery golden debit card that she had used many times before. Instantly, a smile spread across her face, creating an imaginary aura of sunshine and rainbows, indicating her joyful mood.

"Thank you, Daddy! I'm going shopping now," Goldie said, taking the card out of his hands.

She ran out of her father's office, humming in delight as she acquired her money. Instantly forgetting that she had argued about a silly dress, she realized she could buy more dresses using her newly acquired card.

As for Richard, he looked between the creak of the opened door, watching his daughter's running figure quickly fade from his sight. It was a victory for him, finally asserting himself. However, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for tricking Goldie.

The golden card he had given her contained only a single dollar. He knew that when she returned home, she would surely be angry with him.

Richard certainly didn't want to see an upset Goldie in his office, especially witnessing her chaotic side and her throwing a tantrum.

It seemed like his thoughts on sending Goldie to the countryside might not be a bad idea. He took out his phone and called the only person living in the countryside...

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