Chapter 5: Love?

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3rd POV

For a while, Goldie persisted in ignoring the two bears that had entered. Instead, she lay down on the soft pillows while Noah continued massaging her back. 

The pampered Goldie did not like Calix or Finley, as they were the first to dare punish her. She preferred being with Noah, as he was the kindest and easiest to get along with.

Her mantra always was that if they treated her like shit, Goldie herself would treat the same way back.

Goldie had forgotten that she had spent the night with all three of them and had not changed her mind about her thoughts. She believed that Calix and Finley were ganging up together just to make fun of her for what she did wrong. However, in reality, Goldie's arrogant and spoiled attitude was the root cause of how the problems even started in the first place.

Unlike their youngest brother Noah, who couldn't see the obvious things right in front of his eyes, his loving and cheerful nature, especially towards their mate Goldie, held him back from doing anything mean.

Meanwhile, Finley and Calix, the older ones, had the guts to stand their ground, even if it meant hurting their mate's feelings. They felt the need to show her that they couldn't tolerate her demanding attitude, as it was affecting their own relationship.

Noah disagreed with his two older brothers treating Goldie like this, but all of them knew they didn't want to end up being treated horribly, just like their late mother did to their late fathers. They were all aware of Goldie's demanding attitude, as it was common for females to act this way.

In the world they lived in, due to the scarce population of females, they were treated as precious treasures. They could see that their mate Goldie was like this, but being nowhere near a tribe, they didn't care for old traditions. It was their own territory, and they followed their own way of life with their mate.

The three bears didn't like the old tradition that males had to follow. For males, whether they were mated or not, they had to do everything that females wanted.

While they didn't mind doing things for their mate Goldie, they certainly wouldn't do it for another female. Additionally, the other duty of males doing everything while females relaxed was considered unfair.

In the past, females once had duties to collect, produce, and wash laundry in the river, but now with a lower female population, their duties were passed down to the males. With females having no duties, it may have dramatic effects on their bodies and personalities, leading them to become demanding. 

As of now females expected males to do things for them since they were born female, they adopted a high and mighty attitude.

But with their mate Goldie, all three of the bear brothers could see a slight difference with her. Passing her thick and arrogant attitude they could sense a change in Goldie, different from the rest of the females they had encountered in the past.

They were willing to put up with her attitude because they loved her and wanted to see her change for the better. In their hearts, whenever they heard Goldie rambling on, they felt a sense of loneliness and guilt in her tone.

They didn't know the sadness behind her tone, but it felt as if she were in pain, as if she were hiding it deep within her heart. She was trying to act tough to cover up the sadness, but it was clearly shown in the way she spoke.


For a while, Calix and Finley watched as their mate ignored them. Earlier, when they had left to go hunting. During their hunt they were eager to come back home as they missed her. The two wanted to be in their mate's embrace, just like how they had spent their time yesterday.

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