Chapter 7: Changes

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3rd POV

For the past couple of months, Goldie has been embracing new opportunities, guided by her promises. Though shopping was all she knew back on Earth, now Goldie is living in the beastworld. There were no such things as malls around where she is now living.

Instead she has been trying new things she has never done before like washing dishes and doing laundry. Goldie admits doing everyday chores were tiresome. If she were back home on Earth her own maids would have done the chores.

Now living in the Beastworld with three bear Beastmen, it was all up to Goldie. Since then, with the help of Noah and Finely, she had been learning various things. They explained to her that back then, females in the Beastworld had duties, but due to their scarce population, they were free from those duties.

However, that didn't mean Goldie's duties as a female were entirely exempt. Living with the three bears—Calix, Finely, and Noah—they had their own rules to follow. Though they opposed the rule of males having to do everything due to its unfairness, they established their own system to ensure fairness for everyone. This included their mate, Goldie, who had individual chores assigned to her. Anyone living in their territory had responsibilities.


In the present, it was the afternoon and Goldie, who used to live in luxury was now groaning, whining to herself as she continued washing the basket of clothing in the river. She turned slightly from behind, rolling her eyes.

In the grass, comfortably reclining with his eyes closed and inhaling the sweet breeze, was none other than Calix, the bear beastman. Goldie's eyes twitched as she observed him relaxing so calmly. Her patience was being tested by her husband, especially since he had earlier claimed that he would help her with the laundry. His current state of relaxation, without any assistance, seemed to contradict his earlier promise.

"Aren't you going to help?" Goldie asked.

She pouted while washing the fur rags in the river. Using her hands as she scrubbed the cloth in her hands.

"Huh?" Calix said, looking up then went back down.

"Looks fine, you're doing great sweetie" he cheers back at his little mate while he lays down.


Goldie pouted, pissed at him for breaking his promise. Although she was not alone in washing the laundry since she had Noah and Finley right next to her. Goldie was still pissed seeing how he relaxed while three of them did piles of laundry. It would have been faster for all four of them to do it.

For a while, the three washed laundry in the river, but that changed when the relaxed Calix stood up and walked towards them. The two male orcs thought Calix was joining to wash laundry, but that's not what Calix had in mind.

They saw Calix walking towards their mate, who was busy washing and didn't notice him approaching. Soon, Finley and Noah's eyes widened as they saw their older brother do something common but surprising for him at this time. Both males knew their older brother Calix's flirtatious and teasing nature towards their mate, Goldie

As Calix closely followed Goldie, his perverted hands advanced toward her body. One of his large hands wrapped around her waist, while the other began fondling the side of her breasts. Goldie's blue eyes widened, finally realizing who was behind her.

She turned to see Calix wearing a cheeky expression as he continued to grope her breasts while in her embrace. Goldie's irritation grew, her eyes twitching as she witnessed his bold actions.

"Calix...." she said in a deep, serious voice.

Goldie soon had a dark aura forming around her.

"Yes, my sweetheart~" he cooed in a doting tone, surrounded by a bright and flowery aura, unexpectedly happy to hear his name called.

"Did I forget to mention that you look so beautiful today?" he boldly said.

Although Calix failed to perceive the obvious anger in Goldie, her blue eyes glared at him with a dark aura radiating around her, as if she wanted to eliminate him for his perverted actions. Calix persisted in his groping, thinking it aroused Goldie enough to engage in affection with him.

Earlier, after he had lain down in the grass, his thoughts turned to Goldie from the previous night. He had doted on her and the love they had shared. However, in the present, his misguided attempts at seeking affection had the opposite effect.

On the sidelines, Finley and Noah felt a dark, sinister aura radiating around their mate. Sweat ran down their backs as they sensed her emotions through their spousal bond. Choosing not to intervene, they continued washing the remaining laundry.

Both males had slightly trembling hands, feeling a cold breeze despite the bright sunshine. It seemed as if Goldie had made the weather colder with her intense emotions.


As the fight continued for Goldie, with the foolish Calix attempting to win her over for his sexual desires, Finley left the rest to Noah to go hunting for lunch. The only one left doing laundry was him.

While washing the laundry in the river, getting clothes wet also meant that he got wet. Noah's brown hair had droplets of water dripping down, combining with his sweat that also dripped from his forehead down to his cheeks under the hot sun shining above. This made his slim but tall body glisten from the sweat accumulated within.

After completing all the washing, the only remaining task was to hang the clothes up to dry. Noah gathered all the clothes, twisting them to drain out the water soaked inside.


As Noah placed the last piece of clothing in the basket, he heard a loud splash. Turning around, he saw Calix in the river, completely drenched. Noah restrained his laughter, realizing that the ongoing fight between Goldie and Calix was still in progress. It appeared that Goldie had reached a breaking point and decided to teach Calix a lesson by pushing him into the river.

It wasn't a huge deal because the river wasn't deep enough for swimming. However, witnessing his older brother fall into the river made Noah chuckle, as he had never seen this happen before. Most of the time, he perceived his two older brothers as strong and serious orcs. Never once had he seen Calix act silly or easily lose to someone weaker than him.

Noah recalled a time in the past when he lived with his brothers in a pact. He felt weak and helpless, observing how his brothers Calix and Finley were much stronger and more muscular than him.

At times, Noah felt jealous of his own weakness, only to end up being protected by his brothers. There was a particular incident when he almost got killed by a wild boar, but his brothers saved him. That incident left Noah feeling hopeless, not only because of Calix's scolding afterwards. But also because of the way Calix said it, making him feel weak and pathetic. This happened despite Noah's daily hard training, revealing a stark contrast between him and his naturally stronger brothers.

Now, in the present, having met their mate Goldie, who had accepted them all, he found himself lucky. Not only had he changed, but Noah could see his two serious brothers changing because of their mate. Though there were problems from the beginning, as time progressed, their mate slowly changed. Her demanding demeanor faded, and he could see that every day she felt happier.

Having met Goldie changed their lives; the once-home they had lived in now felt more like a home with Goldie's presence. Most of the time, Noah worried about his bleak future, but now he felt excited about what's to come.

After all, new changes mean new opportunities ahead.

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