Chapter 3: No way out

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3rd POV

Goldie glared at the three bears. Though one part of her felt horrified, another part wanted to scare them away. She was one hundred percent sure that this was indeed her grandma's home that her father had bought.

Due to her spoiled nature, Goldie did not perceive the actual danger she was in. The spoiled Goldie did not back down and stood bravely as three large bears slowly approached her.

Little did she know that the home she had entered was not her grandma's. The three bears intruding were the actual inhabitants of the home, and Goldie herself was the true intruder!

"Leave! I'm going to call the cops!" Goldie threatened. But her words were useless and she was stranded in the middle of the forest. No cops in plain sight.

As the three bears approached her, all they heard was their female's timid voice. With each step closer to her, their female would retreat from them. They only heard her squeals and yells, pleading for them to go away in fear.

Soon, the excitement they felt about meeting their female, whom they believed had accepted them by eating their food in their own territory, started to wane, and they began to have second thoughts.

The bears soon transformed into their beastmen form, leaving the frightened Goldie in shock. Her blue eyes widened as she saw three tall, naked men standing before her, who had been bears just moments ago.

"What?! How?" She thought.

This revelation startled Goldie to the point where she didn't know how to respond to such a occurrence. Despite being born as the descendant of Cinderella, the modern world she lived in was characterized by advanced technology. Magic and fairy tales, once thought of as mere stories for children, were gradually gone.

Now in front of Goldie were three hot naked men. She felt slightly nervous as they approached her. Her face that once filled with fear was flustered.

Born spoiled, Goldie had never considered dating. She had never once dated, as her focus was solely on wealth and her addiction to shopping. Her life revolved around the entertainment of having anything she desired, a lifestyle she had lived due to immense wealth.

But now seeing three hot men in front of her she somehome felt flustered by their presence. Goldie had seen many hot men from models and superstars. But not like this....

The three men standing before her possessed god-like features, each exhibiting a striking combination of height and muscularity. Two of them had brown hair while one had black hair.

Goldie admits seeing three (naked) men in front of her made her flustered. This was the first time she had ever felt this way. Her heart thumped rapidly and her body sweating nervously as if it was love at first sight.

"I-I'm Goldie-" She shuddered in a nervous tone.

"What's yours?" she questioned.

She cheeks tinge red as they came closer to her. When she introduced themselves the three men soon answered back to her. As all of them said their names she couldn't help but think of the three bowls of porridge she had eaten earlier being reminded of that.

Finley was the first to say his name. Goldie looked at him seeing his gray eyes stare at her. With his black hair and masculine face that had a blank expression. It was as if he had an icy persona, seeing his gray eyes look cold and distant.

The next one was Calix, who smirked at Goldie with his red eyes. The moment his mouth moved she heard his low but sexy voice that lingered in her head. His long brown hair lengthens down to his shoulders. Goldie saw a deep scar on the side of his right neck.

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