Chapter 1 - Dead Reckoning

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"But if I stand at the sick person's feet, he is mine."

*Flashback chapter part I*

Eric arrives at the container yard with Renard close behind. Inside the container, Nick finds the coffin with a passport with a name and his picture. Hearing a noise, he quickly turns around as Baron Samedi spits in his face. Renard gets out of his car and watches as Eric walks into the container. Monroe, Rosalee, and Juliette holding Rhett are still driving around the container yard with zombies on the car, so Monroe yells to buckle up, as he floors the pedal. Right before crashing into a container, he slams on the brakes causing the zombies on the car to fly off and hit the container. Eric meets with the Baron and observes Nick in the coffin before he closes the top with a wicked smile.

 Still trying to escape the zombies, Monroe accidentally drives the car into a hole near a construction site, which causes it to get stuck. Monroe, Rosalee, and Juliette unbuckling Rhett quickly get out and climb one of the construction vehicles to the top of a pile of containers. Renard finds the door to the container where Eric and the Baron were and cautiously enters. He watches as the Baron is coordinating two of Eric's workers to carry the coffin with Nick and load it into a van. Once the coffin is loaded, the Baron turns to Eric "they'll be in the air soon" he explains and gets in the van, going the opposite direction to Eric. While watching everyone leave, Renard hears a noise and is attacked by two zombies. He fights them at the same time as Monroe, Rosalee, and Juliette are fighting zombies off of the container they're on.

At the precinct, Hank returns from getting his cast off. Wu catches him up on the recent events of the night. As Hank sits down, a panicking Juliette still holding Rhett, calls while fighting off the zombie attackers. Juliette tells him they're at the container yard getting attacked by a lot of zombies and that she doesn't know where Nick is. She drops the phone while fighting slamming a zombie who is getting too close to Rhett with a piece of wood. Hank tells Wu to round up as many uniforms as he can and to go to the container yard because they have "more of those whack jobs to deal with." On top of the container, Monroe, Rosalee, and Juliette, now holding Rhett watch as zombies continue to keep coming with no end in sight.

The four of them are starting to get overrun as more and more zombies climb on top of the container, so Monroe woges and quickly knocks multiple zombies off the container. Multiple cop cars arrive to the scene with Hank and Wu. Hank tells everyone to open up a container to try to contain the zombies, adding that there is an antidote. Juliette yells to Hank from the top of the container that they have to find Nick. Hank then calls Captain Renard who is still fighting zombies inside the container. As soon as he knocks the last zombie out, he hears his phone ringing on the ground. Hank asks Renard if Nick's with him, Renard informs Hank that his brother has Nick. Informing the other where they are in the container yard, Renard heads over to where Hank and the others are.

At the airport, the van containing Nick backs up to a private plane as Baron Samedi observes. In the container yard, Renard arrives as Hank helps Monroe, Rosalee, and then Juliette after she hands Rhett to Rosalee, and gets down from the construction vehicle they used to get on the containers. Renard tells them he tracked his brother to the container yard and that he took Nick to try to get him out of the country, so all four get into Renard's vehicle and speed off to the airport.

Renard tells the group he saw a coffin with Nick in it being transported. He says that with the right paperwork, Nick can be transported out of the country legally. Concluding that the zombie mess was just a distraction to get Nick, Rosalee says she doesn't think Nick will behave the same as the other zombies because he is a Grimm. Hank calls the airport police and tells them to ground the plane that Nick is on. Two airport policemen arrive at the plane right after Nick is loaded on board and just as Baron Samedi is boarding himself. One asks for identification, while the other goes on the plane to check things out. Inside the plane he notices the coffin and tries to open it, but it is locked. He hears his partner scream outside as Baron Samedi laughs. He hurries outside as his partner collapses. When he goes to check on him, Baron Samedi woges and spits on the cop.

In Austria, Stefania extracts the still beating heart from Frau Pech and puts it into a box. She carefully pours red-colored wax onto the box and tells her sons to bring her Adalind.

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