Chapter 13 - The Dead Man's Hunt Ends

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"Still, after a short time the family's distress again worsened, and there was no relief anywhere in sight."

Silhouetted on Monroe's curtains, Bart lunges at Nick as Monroe's screams for everyone to calm down can be heard from outside. Nick holds him back and manages to land a blow to the face of Bart before Monroe manages to restrain his furious parents. Although Nick apologizes, Monroe's explanation doesn't go well, and his parents storm out of the house after delivering some scathing words. Monroe turns asking Nick why he came. "What do you know about the Wildesheer?" but Monroe is too upset to think clearly. After being snapped at, Nick leaves.

At the spice shop, Rosalee sinks to the floor and cries quietly.

Juliette comforts a worried Nick at home. Nick confides in her about the case, slightly alarming Juliette. Juliette has Rhett on her lap and is clearly worried about all this.

In the middle of the forest, Woden consumes a red-hot coal from his campfire, his eyes glowing red.

In Vienna, Sebastien shows Stefania to Prince Viktor's room where he is seen observing Adalind on his laptop. A brief conversation reveals that Stefania has betrayed Adalind and has been working for Viktor all along to obtain the royal child from Adalind. Renard realizes this when Sebastien informs him of what's been happening in the castle. Ordering Sebastien to get Adalind before the Royals do, but is interrupted by Wu and Hank, who have obtained less-than-satisfactory footage of the Wildesheer murderer. He orders it to be sent to all agencies.

Rosalee is awakened by Monroe entering the spice shop. Monroe apologizes, and Rosalee says they need to talk. Rosalee starts by saying "I don't want to get in-between you and your parents." Monroe insists "If they don't accept us, then I'll cut all ties from them." He also tells Rosalee about the meeting with Nick, and she cringes at the thought of what happened.

A park ranger comes across Woden's campfire and finds the vehicle Woden stole, and another vehicle with Kansas license plates. Making the connection to the "dangerous criminal" that Portland PD had issued a warning for, he runs into Woden before backup can arrive. Attempting to shoot Woden, he is attacked from behind by another Wildesheer.

Monroe and Rosalee wake up in the shop. Still angered by last night's happenings, Monroe arranges a meeting with his parents to say his goodbyes.

Juliette has Rhett in his crib napping and shows Nick her research on the scalping case and they discuss it for awhile, before Juliette realizes that the killer is targeting police. Nick tries to laugh it off, but Juliette grows upset with worry when she realizes that Nick is a big target because he is a cop and a Grimm. While comforting her, Nick receives a call about the park ranger's body.

Monroe arrives at his parents' hotel room. Their debate soon grows heated, as Monroe and Bart both nearly fully woge. Alice attempts to intervene, but Monroe leaves, saddened and angry about his parents living in the past.

Adalind is awakened by a phone call from Renard in the middle of the night. Informing her of Stefania's betrayal and urges her to follow Meisner and Sebastien when they come for her. They do, but Sebastien, keeping a lookout downstairs, warns them that Verrat are heading up to Adalind's room. Meisner instructs Adalind to tell them she isn't alone, takes off his shirt, and gets into her bed with a gun. The two Verrat agents enter anyway and demand answers from Meisner. Adalind tries to step in, but one of the men hits her in the stomach, leaving her gasping. A pen on the table begins wobbling. Meisner shoots one of the men as he approaches him, but the body falls on top of Meisner, leaving him vulnerable. The pen shoots off the table, impaling the other Verrat agent's eye. Meisner turns to Adalind "Thank you." "I don't think that was me." In spite of the uncertainty over who caused the pen to impale the Verrat agent, Meisner and Adalind proceed to leave the hotel.

Meanwhile, back in Portland, Nick, Hank, and some other officers investigate the scene of the ranger's death, and they notice that both the truck that Woden had stolen and the other vehicle have been left behind at the remains of Woden's camp. The police realize there must be more than one killer, as Woden couldn't have possibly managed to get both vehicles to the area alone.

Sebastien drives Adalind and Meisner down a quiet road until Meisner tells him to stop in the middle of nowhere. He and Adalind get out, and Sabastian questions "Where are you going?" "It's better that you don't know where we're going." Sebastien drives off, and Meisner and Adalind walk into a forest.

In the spice shop, Rosalee is preparing a mixture when Juliette comes to visit with a sleeping Rhett in her arms. Juliette talks to Rosalee and says that Nick is sorry for what happened involving him, Monroe, and Monroe's parents the previous night, to which Rosalee replies that Monroe also feels sorry for what he said to Nick. Juliette mentions what Nick told her about the case that he is currently working on, and Rosalee appears uneased by the information. Monroe walks into the shop and Rosalee tells him about what Juliette told her about Nick's case. Horrified by the fact that the Caccia Morta appear to be in Portland, and he promptly leaves to look for Nick.

At the precinct, Nick and Hank research the second vehicle they found at the crime scene and discover that it previously belonged to a young military officer who had been A.W.O.L. After learning the information, Nick gets a call from Monroe, and they exchange apologies about what happened the previous night. Monroe gets to the point and tells him about his suspicions about what kind of Wesen the criminals involved in the current case might be. Nick agrees to come meet up with him at his house later so they can research what they're up against.

Adalind and Meisner continue walking through the forest until they come across an abandoned building and Meisner tells her the building has been in his family for a long time. They go inside and Meisner says he'll start a fire and then go find food.

Monroe's parents are packed up and getting ready to leave their hotel room when Alice tells Bart "I can't leave yet. I don't want to lose my son". Bart tells her she can do what she wants, but he is still leaving.

In Europe, Viktor learns about how Adalind escaped and that the Verrat agents sent to get her are dead. Realizing that Adalind must have somehow been warned prior to the visit from the Verrat, he has his men bring Stefania to him, having jumped to the conclusion that she was the one who'd told Adalind about his plans. Stefania denies the accusations, telling him that she would never betray him and starting claiming that someone close to him has betrayed them both.

Rosalee is closing up the shop when Alice comes by and says she needs to talk to her. She tells Rosalee she doesn't want to lose Monroe, and Rosalee and Monroe have to decide for themselves what is right. Alice asks her if she'd be open to the Vertrautheiten. Rosalee asks if she thinks that would actually work, and Alice says it couldn't hurt. They both woge and complete the Vertrautheiten. This ritual is a way for two different Wesen species, for example, Blutbaden and Fuchsbau, to establish a bond to gain one another's trust.

When Monroe arrives home, his father is waiting on his porch. Bart tells him he thought Alice may be at Monroe's house, and Monroe says he doesn't have time to talk with him because Nick is on his way and he doesn't want another fight. Bart tells him his "friendship" with a Grimm goes against everything they believe in, and Monroe tells him Nick is different than other Grimms. Monroe says "I am going to help Nick no matter what, because he's my friend." I don't care what you think dad". Bart asks if he is going to help by killing Wesen and says even if they were Bauerschwein, he wouldn't agree. Monroe tells him it's Caccia Morta, and Bart says he can't go up against Wildesheer. Nick arrives, and Monroe tells Bart to stop worrying about him and to start worrying about Alice. Once Nick is in the house, Bart leaves. Once outside, he woges and howls, which Monroe and Nick hear. Monroe tells Nick what he needs to know when going up against with the Wildesheer. Monroe says when they're around, it's like the gates of Hell open and let the demons out. Monroe says since they are probably coming for Nick, they can pick where it happens. They agree they need to get weapons first, so they head to the trailer while Bart discretely watches them from behind a tree.

At the trailer, Monroe gets out the Siegbarste Gewehr while Nick reads one of the diaries about how to defeat the Wildesheer. The diary suggests that they have a weakness like Samson, and if someone were to take their hair like they had taken the hair of others, it would weaken them, but the Grimm who wrote the theory says they were unable to test it. Nick grabs a knife for each of them and they check the blades. They are about to leave when the wind picks up and there is thunder and lightning. They slowly walk outside looking around. After a few seconds, Woden attacks Monroe and knocks him to the ground. Nick shoots him multiple times, but the bullets do no good, and Woden attacks Nick. Monroe gets up and tries to aim the Siegbarste Gewehr at Woden, but he and Nick move too much for him to get a clear shot. A second Wildesheer comes from behind Monroe, and Monroe turns and shoots him, but it does no good either. Nick continues to fight with Woden while Monroe woges and fights the other Wildesheer. Eventually, both Nick and Monroe end up under a truck starting at each other, but both Wildesheer pull Monroe out by his feet. Just before they try to kill him, Nick jumps on one of them to get him away from Monroe. Nick and Monroe agree on which of the two Wildesheer they will take on, when a third, bigger Wildesheer appears. Nick and Monroe charge at them, and they both struggle against the Wildesheer. Bart suddenly appears, growling, "Get off my son!" Nick gets a quick opportunity to cut Woden's hair with his knife, causing blood to spray from the strands, and it nearly instantly kills Woden. Distracted by his buddy's death, Monroe's opponent turns around long enough for Monroe to cut his hair. Nick runs up to the Wildesheer Bart is fighting and grabs onto his hair long enough for Monroe to cut it too. Monroe helps his father up, and Bart tells him that "Even if you're friends with a Grimm, I couldn't see you die. I didn't think Wildesheers could be killed." Monroe explains that the Grimms had figured out a way. Bart proceeds to tell them that "Monroe your great grandfather was scared of every wind storm. He also told Bart and his other grandchildren that if the Wildesheers ever came back, then something really bad would follow, something that would change the world".

At the cabin, Adalind and Meisner finish eating. Meisner covers Adalind with another blanket as she lays in the bed. She compliments him on the food as he tosses the scraps into the fire. Adalind suddenly sits up in severe pain. Meisner asks what's wrong, and Adalind says she thinks the baby is coming, before screaming.

Back in Portland, Monroe, his parents, Rosalee, Nick, and Juliette are having dinner at Monroe's house. No one is talking until Juliette brings up Monroe and Rosalee's wedding and asks if they have set a date yet. This causes Bart to woge, which causes the other three Wesen to woge as well. Nick stands up with a knife to cut food and tells everyone to just calm down. Everyone reverts back to their human form, and Bart apologizes, saying, "This is just going to take a little getting used to."

Nick gets home and sees Juliette with Rhett on her lap looking something up on the computer. "What're you looking up?" "Something to do for Rhett to play with." They proceed to look up things together before eventually going to bed.

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