Chapter 3 - Revenge of the Piggy

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"Tis Death's Park, where he breeds life to feed him. Cries of pain are music for his banquet."

A doctor and nurse monitor Nick as he goes through physical tests, including running on a treadmill hooked up to devices to monitor his heart rate. The doctor increases the speed and incline of the treadmill to try to increase Nick's heart rate, but Nick's heart rate remains constant. When the tests are finished, the doctor tells Nick that his heart rate and blood pressure barely changed no matter what, saying either the machine is broken, or he is in really good shape. The doctor asks Nick if there have been any big changes in his life lately, and Nick tells him that work has been stressful lately.

Monroe and Rosalee are having a dinner date together at a restaurant, Raven & Rose. Monroe subtly tries to invite Rosalee to move in with him when a waiter brings them each a petite beef and truffle tartlet as compliments of chef Ostler. Rosalee eats hers and Monroe smells his, and it reminds him of the good old days of when he ate meat. Rosalee takes Monroe's, telling him it's "no time to fall off the meat wagon now." Monroe continues his previous thoughts, saying he has a lot of closet space and that Rosalee "could totally have more room in my closets than in your apartment." Rosalee messes with Monroe, pretending not to understand his intended hidden meaning, before agreeing to move in with a smile. Both exchange loving words before Monroe's old friend, Johnathan, walks past with his wife Kimberly. They greet each other warmly, before Johnathan and Kimberly leave.

A man stumbles around in the forest, ripping off his coat and holding his stomach in pain. He leans against a tree and unbuttons his shirt, revealing a very bloated stomach, before turning around and frantically climbing the tree.

Nick tells Juliette about the physical at their house in the living room with Rhett in-between them. He tells her about his pulse not changing, and she says she doesn't think it is the machine because when she checked his pulse the night before she thought he was dead. Juliette says she thinks Rosalee was right about the toxin affecting him differently from others because he is a Grimm. Since they can't tell the doctor the truth, all they can do is monitor him and hope it's temporary. Juliette asks Nick if he feels any differently, and Nick claims that he feels a bit more aware and in control, suggesting it to be a psychological issue, but Juliette expresses her concern, saying she isn't letting him go far for awhile. They kiss, and Nick says he thinks he is feeling better already before they both look down at Rhett. 

The man in the woods is sitting in the tree still in pain. His stomach is making noise and he is grunting. He woges into a Blutbad, and his stomach makes more noise before it explodes.

Nick arrives at the precinct and is about to sit down when Hank tells him not to get comfortable, a man whose stomach burst open was found in a tree. They head over to the scene, and a Forest Ranger escorts Nick, Hank, and Wu to the tree with the man's body. They are all at a loss of how he ended up in the tree in such bad shape. They suggest maybe a bear or mountain lion got him. Nick says whatever got him, got him in the tree since chunks of the man's stomach and insides are on the ground below.

Captain Renard receives a call from Sebastien. In French, Sebastien briefs Renard on the happenings in Vienna, and the police are searching Eric's castle but haven't found anything yet. The Family is cooperating as far as the police know but are fighting amongst themselves, and things may get bloodier before the throne is taken. Sebastien informs Renard that some people think Eric was murdered by the Resistance, while others think it was another Family. Renard says that now that Eric is gone, Frau Pech will be looking to make a deal for the baby with someone else. Sebastien says that he has not heard from her lately, and Renard tells him that it is probably time he did. Sebastien agrees but says he has to go because he hears someone coming. He turns around to see Adalind, who asks if the police know who killed Eric yet, and Sebastien says they do not. Adalind asks who will take Eric's place, and Sebastien says, "The last Royal standing." Satisfied and amused, Adalind walks away.

At the crime scene, the man is out of the tree. Wu comments that the man is ironically an organ donor, although no one is likely to want his organs now. Wu says he will go run his name as Nick and Hank examine the body, still not entirely sure what could have happened to him.

Nick and Hank go back to the precinct to question the hysterical wife of the dead man. She tells them that nothing was out of the ordinary the morning before he died as they both went to work, but they did not talk to each other because they were both busy. She called her husband's work when he was an hour late getting home, but they told her he had left early. She then called the police. Hanks asks her if everything was going okay with their marriage, and she says yes, and that they had just gone out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary.

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