Chapter 9 - Wesen Have Healers?

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"To kill Koschie the Deathless, first you must find his soul, which is hidden in an egg, in a duck in a lead chest buried beneath an oak tree."

A girl in a red hoodie is running through the forest. A dark figure shadows her, which she notices and begins to run faster. The hooded figure catches up to her, but it is revealed to be Nick, wishing her a good morning and continues past, running up some stairs with ease.

At home, Juliette is feeding Rhett when she receives a call from her friend, Alicia. Alicia tells her she had gotten into an argument with her abusive husband, Joe, who hit her. Juliette advises Alicia to get into a car to drive straight to Portland, which she does, despite fearing what Joe would do when he realizes she left. When Juliette hangs up, Nick enters their house returning from his jog. Juliette notices that he's not sweating, but Nick shrugs it off. Juliette tells him about Alicia coming over and that Joe hit her again. Asking her if she wants him to get involved in the situation when he downs a bottle of water before turning to Rhett. Juliette doesn't want to, at least until they talk to Alicia about it. Nick warns her to make sure Alicia doesn't talk to Joe because he can't know where she is, or heading to.

Adalind arrives at the café where Renard asked her to meet him. Meanwhile Meisner watches from another table per Renard's orders as she approaches Renard. Exchanging tense greetings, Adalind tries to tease Renard, but he gets straight to the point. Telling her he knows about her pregnancy, and asking Adalind who the father is. Getting no straight answers, he leaves with Meisner after warning Adalind that people will be interested in the child but not in her, and she may find herself needing someone she can trust.

Back in Portland, a healer, Boris Myshkin, stands over a Russian girl who tells him she is in immense pain. His eyes glow green, and his hands woge to show green veins and translucent skin. After a few seconds of holding his hands on her head, he stumbles backwards into a chair in obvious discomfort. His wife, Olga, rushes off to get him tea, while he asks how the girl is feeling. Saying she is still in pain, he promises that in hours, maybe days, the pain will be gone. Also declining payment, claiming that her living a long happy life is payment enough for him.

In a hotel room, a man, Alex Riley, receives a phone call and is told that something is "tonight." He muses to himself how there will be a lot of people at the scene, but ultimately decides that it may be for the best and that "tonight, we'll pay him back."

At a Russian party, Boris Myshkin is introduced to the crowd by Dmitri. Seeming to be renowned and well-loved, having saved many lives, and the people at the party toast to him. Giving a speech in broken English, he excusing himself from the table. Stumbling into a storage room in discomfort, he's suddenly attacked from behind by Riley, dressed as one of the waiters. They struggle for a while, before Boris gets cut in the shoulder forcing him to woge into a creature with transparent skin and radioactive green veins visible all over his body. He grabs Riley's wrists, and throws him out the window. Riley staggers away, before rolling up his sleeves, revealing an angry red rash on his wrists where Boris had grabbed him.

Riley, in visible pain, enters his hotel room and attempts to dial a number on his phone, but collapses before he can do so, boils forming all over his hands.

Juliette at home with Rhett, worries about Alicia due to her not answering her phone, fearing that Joe must've found out that she left. The doorbell rings after Alicia arrives, explaining that her phone had a low battery and she didn't have a charger, so she turned it off. Juliette ushers her inside, staying outside to survey the area, before locking the door behind them and leaves to get her something to eat. Nick sets Rhett down in his play-pen before trying to comfort a distraught Alicia, seeing her woge into a Fuchsbau. In shock, he turns leaving the room, tripping over words and making excuses when Juliette enters and notices his discomfort. Alicia takes the food and sees a child's playpen. "Thanks, who's child are you watching?" "Oh, that would be Nick and I's." Alicia looks at Juliette surprised. "You and Nick had a son?" "Yeah, last August." Looking over at Rhett before turning back to Juliette, Alicia exclaims "Over a year, and you didn't think to tell me!"

Meanwhile, Hank flirts with his physical therapist, Zuri Ellis, as she helps him with his rehab after he tore his Achilles. Seeing as this is his last week working with her, he suggests they celebrate but is politely declined by Zuri wanting to keep things professional. Hank understands saying, "That's always good."

A Prep Cook is stacking boxes in a freezer when she stumbles upon a dead body and screams.

Nick enters Captain Renard's office, greeting the newly returned Renard. "Welcome back Captain. How'd it go?" "Well, the Verrat found us, but I took care of it." Renard warns Nick that due to Eric's death has caused a lot of turmoil for the royals, and nothing is certain yet except that both him and Nick pose a great threat. A knock on the door interrupts them, Hank opens the door, with the news that there's been a murder. Nick leaves with him to the crime scene.

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