Chapter 17 - Re-Reunion

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"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."

Nick and Hank are at the precinct discussing what Nick should do regarding Nick being Monroe's best man. Nick decides he needs to just go and say to Monroe that it's too dangerous for him to be the best man, considering that he's a Grimm. Hank tells Nick "You should probably also learn how Wesen know you're a Grimm."

In Rafz, Switzerland, Adalind, her daughter, and Meisner arrive near the meeting place to get Adalind and the baby out of Europe. Meisner says he is going to look around to make sure that it's safe and tells Adalind to stay in the car. Meisner goes into a forested area and Verrat agents watch him from a distance. The two agents who are instructed to take Meisner out lose track of him. As they search around, Meisner jumps down from a tree and fights them. While Meisner is fighting, Adalind watches as a plane flying low goes by overhead. As she is looking at the plane, two Verrat agents open the car door, guns drawn, and tell Adalind to get out. Meisner defeats the Verrat agents fairly easily and sees the plane fly over, so he heads back to the car to get Adalind and the baby. When he arrives to the car, he finds Adalind's door open, and she and the baby are gone. Adalind is brought to the Verrat agents' van and told to get in. Before she does, one of the kidnappers notices the driver and passenger dead. When she turns around, the other kidnapper falls dead to the ground. The agent points her gun at Adalind, but before she does anything, the agent's arm is grabbed from behind and she is stabbed in the back by a hooded figure. Meisner comes running up, and when he sees the bodies, he asks Adalind if she killed them. Shaking her head no, she nods to the other side of the van, the hooded figure comes out and puts her hood down. It's Kelly Burkhardt, who takes credit for the dead Verrat agents. "Well, let's get moving."

A short time later, Kelly, Adalind, and Meisner walk through a snowy field to where the plane is. Kelly comments about whoever set up the meeting did a lousy job since the Verrat knew about it. Adalind and Meisner say their goodbyes. Adalind tells him, "If it hadn't been for you I would have been dead a long time ago," and kisses him on the cheek and gets on the plane. Once the plane takes off, Meisner calls Captain Renard to tell him about what just happened. Renard asks him if he has heard from Sebastien. Meisner tells Renard that Sebastien stayed behind to make things right and that he's probably dead. Renard informs Meisner that it is probably best that he disappears for awhile, and Meisner agrees and hangs up.

On the plane, Kelly goes through the supplies left for them. She finds food, water, R$2,000 Brazilian real, and diapers for the baby. Adalind comments about Kelly being American and asks her if she is working with the Resistance. Kelly says "The less we know about each other the better." Adalind gets slightly worked up and insists that after what she has been through lately, she doesn't think a little conversation is too much to ask for. Kelly tells her she should probably change the baby's diaper and stands up to talk to the pilot to ask where in Brazil they are going. The pilot says he's not supposed to tell her that, but Kelly points out that since the Verrat were at the meeting place, they probably know where to go in Brazil, so they need to find a different place to go. The pilot suggests to Kelly "If you have a place in mind, now is the time to say so."

Monroe and Rosalee are at home working on the wedding plans when Nick arrives. Nick tells Monroe he can't be his best man because it's too dangerous with him being a Grimm. Monroe and Rosalee both say they would be very disappointed if he wasn't at their wedding. Monroe suddenly gets an idea that Nick could wear sunglasses because his eyes are what gives away the fact he is a Grimm to Wesen when they woge. Monroe explains that a Grimm's eye color turns to an "infinite darkness" that reflects a Wesen's true nature back at them. Monroe asks Nick if he has sunglasses with him, and he says yes. Nick puts them on, and Monroe and Rosalee both woge and look to see if they hide his eyes. They excitedly agree that the sunglasses do work.

Back on the plane, the pilot asks Kelly if she is sure about the location she suggested, and she confirms it. Kelly goes to sit back down, and Adalind's daughter is crying. Kelly tells Adalind that the altitude is building pressure in her ears, so she tells Adalind to rub just below the baby's ears to help her feel better, which works much to Adalind's surprise.

Nick and Juliette are discussing whether sunglasses will actually work at the wedding. Juliette asks what he would do if the wedding is at night or if the sunglasses fall off his face. "Let's not worry about it right now." He responds as he walks over to check on Rhett who is awake looking back up at him.

At Kronenberg Castle, Viktor sits in his office as Gregor Danilov comes in. Viktor voices his displeasure with Danilov over the fact that Adalind and her daughter got out of the country and that Meisner disappeared despite the fact that they had intercepted communications from Resistance agents that gave them plenty of time to disrupt their plans. He tells Danilov his services are no longer required by the Royal Family, and two Hundjägers come into the office and kill Danilov.

Adalind thanks Kelly for saving her and her baby's lives. Kelly tells Adalind that her life was probably the only one saved because the Royal Families want the baby too badly to kill her. Kelly tells Adalind she should try to get some sleep, and Adalind reluctantly hands her daughter to Kelly. Kelly hums to the baby and pulls out her locket. The baby's eyes turn purple, and she telekinetically holds the locket in midair and disrupts the instruments of the plane. The locket pops open, and Kelly looks at the picture of a young Nick inside.

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