Chapter 7 - Alligator Men?

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"But for the pit confounders, let them go, and find as little mercy as they show!"

A person walks through the sewers with a full bag. He walks up to a couple of filled barrels and dumps the new items into one of them.

In Vienna, Adalind is greeted by the new Prince, Viktor Chlodwig zu Schellendorf von Konigsburg. He tells her he wants to find out who is responsible for Eric's death, seemingly sincerely determined to avenge his late cousin. Viktor notes that while the police in Vienna are putting together a list of suspects, he has his own list as well, and he suspects that whatever happened with Eric in Portland had consequences upon his return to Vienna. He confirms with Adalind that she has spent some time in Portland and that she knows both Sean Renard and the Grimm, Nick Burkhardt. He then tells Adalind to put a list together of everyone in Portland who may have had something to do with Eric's death.

In Portland, a man, Gregorek, breaks into a house and starts taking items from the house, such as candle holders and China plates, making a huge mess. Hearing a voice from outside, he pauses and sees a person being dropped off in front of the house. When the person enters and notices the mess, Gregorek woges into a reptilian Wesen and attacks.

Nick and Hank arrive to the scene of the attack and find the bloodied body of Scott Himber. One of Scott's arms is torn out of its socket. Nick notices footprints in the blood and says they are size 15 or bigger. He tells Hank they may be dealing with a Siegbarste again because someone or something has to be very strong to take someone's arm off.

Nick and Hank go to the precinct and research the victim and similar crimes. They find that there have been two other reported break-ins at houses in the last week, one near Scott's house. The M.E. calls to let them know they are ready for them. Hank says he'll check pawn shops in hopes of connecting all three robberies, while Nick talks to the M.E.

At the Medical Examiner's Office, Harper tells Nick that Scott's humerus was ripped clean from the socket. The force of the bite on Scott's arm crushed the ulna and the radius, causing the broken neck which killed him. Harper says whatever got a hold of him gave him a good shaking because there are multiple fractures of the long bones and a subdural hematoma, which is bleeding in the brain.

Jeremy, a city worker, is lowered into a manhole by his partner, Charlie, to clear a blockage. Upon finding it, he hears a noise down further in the sewers and goes to check it out, when he is attacked from behind. The reel above ground that Jeremy's line is connected to starts spinning wildly. Charlie calls out to Jimmy via radio, but gets no answer. They reel Jeremy out to find that he is dead and missing a leg.

In Vienna, Sebastien drives up to an abandoned building, as he walks into the building, a gun is pointed at his head by Renard. Meisner then comes through the door telling Renard that Sebastien is alone. Renard tells Sebastien "I would have regretted shooting you, unless you were the one who set us up when the Verrat tried to kill us." Sebastien retorts that he wasn't even aware of where they were and that Breslau was the one who arranged it all. Sebastien tells Renard his cousin, Viktor, arrived a couple days ago, and the Family wants him to take Eric's place. Renard says he doesn't know much about him other than the fact Eric never trusted him. Sebastien explains he is looking for who is responsible for killing Eric. Renard asks Sebastien when the meeting is, which Sebastien says he doesn't know where, but he knows it is at midnight tomorrow and that Frenay and Tavitian will be there. Sebastien tells Renard that Tavitian wants to meet him, and some think Tavitian was involved in Eric's death.

The police, including Nick, Hank, and Wu, arrive to the scene of Jeremy's death. Charlie tells Nick and Hank that Jeremy was in the sewers no more than 5 minutes. Explaining that this is the first time since he's been on the job that anyone has died. Wu tells Nick and Hank that the Deputy Medical Examiner is ready for them. The M.E. shows them the wounds and says he's only seen something like this when someone was attacked by a bear. Wu jokes "Alligator in the sewers anyone?"

Charlie takes Nick, Hank, and Wu to the sewers so they can have a look around. They come across the blockage and notice blood on the walls. Hank spots a backpack in the water and gives it to Wu to take back to the surface. Nick, Hank, and Charlie continue past the blockage while Wu looks around the blockage. He finds more bags and sees something sticking slightly out of the water. He goes to grab it, but it won't budge. Pulling harder he gets it unstuck, and falls backwards. Looking down he sees that the item was Jimmy's leg and freaks out.

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