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trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

"remind me again why we're doing this," karl says with a laugh, looking down at where foolish is practically lying on the floor as he tries to screw the tree into the stand he just bought. karl is keeping the tree stable, holding it upright.

"because," foolish draws out, making a short noise of effort before sighing as he sits back on his knees and looks up at the tree, proud. "because nolan is a grinch."

"maybe he just doesn't want more clutter around your house," karl suggests, stepping back away from the tree. getting it in the house took a ridiculous amount of effort but, to be fair, the tree does look good standing tall in the corner of the lounge. karl thinks, when christmas is over, they should get a plant to live in the tree's spot all year round. it balances the lounge nicely.

"christmas decorating isn't clutter," foolish argues as he hauls himself up off of the floor, dusting his knees down as he also steps back. joy lights up behind his eyes as he looks over the tree. "okay, time for lights."

karl laughs to himself, shaking his head at the brainless brunette. foolish had invited him over for the day to decorate the house for christmas whilst nolan was visiting his family because, apparently, nolan is adamant about them not decorating.

foolish claims it will be a nice surprise for the other boy to come home and find the house all christmassy. karl doesn't really care how it plays out, he's only here for an excuse to hang out with foolish.

the brunette stays retreated as he watches foolish begin to circle the tree with the first set of lights. he didn't test they worked before hanging them all up, but karl supposes it's okay because they only just bought them, much like all of the other decorations.

karl eyes the rolls of christmassy wrapping paper sticking out from one of the bags and asks, "have you got nolan a gift?"

"a few," foolish answers from behind the tree, humming slightly as he tries to get the lights even. "he wrote a wishlist and left it on the fridge," foolish says, forcing a laugh to bubble up out of karl, "it's hard to ignore when i know he knows how rich i am."

karl nods understandingly as his laughter fizzles out, watching as foolish comes back around to the front of the tree and hooks the lights around the top. the taller boy turns, picking up the second pack of lights - which is either gold or red, depending on whichever colour is already on the tree.

"guess what's on my wishlist this year," karl starts, taking a step back to sit down on the arm of the couch, crossing his ankles over one another. he feels little tricky emotions preemptively roll in his stomach.

foolish hums thoughtfully before answering, "now sure. what is it?"


the taller brunette looks back, unimpressed for a long moment, before slowly smiling as he turns back to the tree. "you're ridiculous," he says playfully, overlooking the obnoxious flirting like always.

initially, karl had convinced himself that foolish pretended not to notice the flirting because his feelings weren't reciprocated and it was easier to pretend to be an idiot. since then, he came to the shocking realisation that foolish really is just an idiot. all it took was nolan telling a story about foolish being oblivious to a girl trying to get with him on a night out, and everything made sense to karl.

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