get well soon

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trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

dream rolls over in bed, pressing his face into the pillow and groaning. he feels like shit.

the blond has to roll over again almost immediately, turning onto his back, when he feels his nose start to run from being face-down. he blindly reaches out towards the bedside cabinet, thoughtlessly swinging his hand in search for his tissue box. his eyes are still shut, the blond just begging for sleep to take him.

his hand barely makes contact with the box, yet he can still feel it fly off of the cabinet, falling away from the wood and bouncing off onto the floor.

he could cry if he wasn't so tired and sick.

he cracks his eyes open, lids feeling like they're stuck together. the lights are out but there's enough light pouring through the window to make his eyes feel like they're actually burning.

dream whines to himself, as if the sound would make the world take pity on him.

he feels weighted as he hauls himself up, shoulders trying to drag him back down as he shifts up until he's sitting. his body slumps forward, trying to collapse back in.

he's tiredddd.

still, the blond reaches over, leaning off the edge of the bed and grabbing the stupid tissues from the floor. he yawns as he moves, brain feeling heavy in his skull as he flops back against the mattress, box in hand.

he sighs heavily, sinking back into the comfort of the bed and letting the tissues sit on his chest as he breathes heavily through his mouth.

he probably looks ridiculous, practically panting, stark naked but hidden under layers of blankets. his leg is flung out and hooked back over his duvet, trying to find a good balance between way too hot and shivering cold.

the blond pulls two tissues from the box, letting his eyes slip shut again. blindly, he layers them over one another before bringing it up to his face and blowing his nose into it. honestly, dream thinks that it makes no difference to his ability to breathe, still feeling stuffy, and he makes an annoyed noise as he drops the used tissue onto the bedside cabinet. he moves the box to the side too and sighs again as he flops his arms out on either side of him, effectively starfishing if it wasn't for the leg bent around his blanket.

dream continues to breathe through parted lips as he dissolves into the comforts of his pillow. if he loved himself a bit more, he would flip it over to be cool-side-up, but that feels like a lot of work right about now.

"knock knock!"

dream smiles slightly at the words as he listens to the bedroom door being pushed open, making a noncommittal humming sound in response to his boyfriend's entry.

he can hear the brunette passing around the room, humming quietly. dream was under the impression that any sound would make his head hurt, but his lover's gentle hums calm him in a way he can't quite articulate.

"open mouth."

dream does as told, letting his lips part and humming appreciatively as a straw is pressed between them. he sucks, immediately smiling to himself as the cold water soothes his throat and the dull pounding behind his eyes. he sinks further into the mattress.

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