(christmas lights) lull me softly to sleep

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trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

foolish rolls over with a sigh.

the movement is difficult when smothered in his boyfriend's strong arms but he manages, shifting enough to be facing the blonde's broad chest rather than their previous spooning position.

he feels punz's arms move slightly around him to accommodate the minor shift.

rolling over had felt necessary but, now that he is facing punz, with his face against the other's chest and his warm breath being trapped in the small space around him, he finds himself quickly overheating and unfortunately figures that he will have to move again.

so he does, this time rolling onto his back.

beside him, his boyfriend quietly grumbles, "stop moving." he doesn't sound angry but he sounds like he's flirting on the precipice of sleep and dancing the edge of consciousness.

so foolish tries his best, telling himself to lie still as punz snuggles back in with a content exhale.

unfortunately, the arm under foolish's back is digging into his spine rather uncomfortably. it was fine on his side, when the limb fit nicely into the small curve of his waist, but the position doesn't work with him on his back. maybe, on another day, he would be able to oversee the slight discomfort but, today, that task seems as though it would be impossible.

foolish doesn't know why he is so irritable and unable to sleep on this particular night, but the claws of rest are simply refusing to invade his mind and pull him under into soft bliss.

he rolls over again, back to his side, facing away from punz once more.

"babe," punz whines in a soft complaint. foolish stills once more, and the blond pulls him close again his chest, causing his body heat to seep through the space between them and warm up the brunette's back.

it's comfortable, warm, safe, familiar; all the things foolish usually needs to lull him into a gentle sleep.

still, he lies wide awake.

he tries to sort through the maze in his brain, ordering the events of his day and flicking through past thoughts. he wonders if there's an event in his subconscious mind keeping him up, like an important job he failed to complete or something that had left him upset which he now can't remember.

he comes up empty-handed and still wide awake. even worse, he has an irritating urge to roll over again and he's struggling to reel it back, despite knowing how much it is frustrating his boyfriend.

maybe he has been cursed by a sleep demon. or an anti-sleep demon, perhaps. it seems the most plausible option at this point in time, despite foolish not believing in demons.

or maybe he just can't sleep, kept awake for no wild reason and simply suffering the consequences of a poor sleep schedule and a messed up circadian rhythm. he can't imagine his streaming habits and constant time spent staying up with punz exactly sets him up for success when it comes to sleeping well.


the brunette hums in noncommittal response to his boyfriend's rumbling voice, liking the way it hums against the back of his neck even though he wants to turn over again.

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