last christmas

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trigger warnings at the end of the oneshot

dream doesn't like being angry. being angry makes him angry, honestly.

he feels angry right now, sitting in the kitchen and hearing george and sapnap giggling away in the lounge.

maybe his anger is a displacement of sadness but who gives a shit. he's angry, that's that.

he thinks his anger, or sadness, is valid though. or maybe not. maybe he's selfish, being caught up over something that happened a year ago and letting his rotting feelings get between his friendships and the budding relationship between his two favourite people.

they're watching some christmas rom-com, one that george most definitely would've refused to watch if dream was the one who had asked. the brit bends over backwards for sapnap, which would be sweet if it didn't make the blond feel like he's burning.

it feels like they're purposefully shoving their happiness in his face just to upset him. he was getting work done upstairs, trying desperately to grind out a video before christmas to give his fans a gift over the holidays, but he had to move after hearing a whole load of commotion from george's room, which is conveniently placed right by his.

dream doesn't think they were fucking. despite everything, he doesn't think either of his friends would have the audacity to have sex in the room beside his knowing full well he is in there, but they were definitely messing around. he imagines it was just fleeting touches, giggling while they kissed and cuddled and enjoyed the morning together. it still makes him angry.

this time last year, that was him. him and george, cuddled under the covers, enjoying their shared warmth at the start of a winter morning. last year, dream extracted his heart from his chest with gentle precision, tied it with a golden bow and a label saying, 'i love you', and handed it right into the brit's waiting hands.

and george took it, and cradled it.

it feels like hardly a day since then. it feels like george found their love special for a mere twenty-four hours before discarding it so recklessly, giving it on to the next and moving on like nothing ever happened. moving on to their best friend, of all people.

sapnap never knew of the thing between dream and george. it was never official, never labelled, never decided exclusive, it was just them. it was hidden touches and whispered promises and secret glances at one another when they were out with friends. it was love, dream had thought.

dream is not jealous.

he understands why it may come across as jealousy, and oftentimes he questions himself, and his motives for his anger, and if he really is just seething with jealousy, but decidedly not. he doesn't want george back, he doesn't strive for a chance with sapnap. he is happily single, and he is patient in waiting for a special someone to gift his heart to next.

he is not jealous, but there is still something there, simmering, brewing, burning in his chest.

dream had come to the kitchen to avoid their noises, taking his laptop with him to continue with work. he switched to emails after his editing mindset was broken but he kept working nonetheless. he even put himself on some churros to eat in ten minutes time, as a treat to himself for his hard work and for staying civil even through his inner turmoil.

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