02 | I'd Like To See You Try

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Pulses of color bloom behind my closed eyelids as the incessant flashing of that blasted door alarm continues its alert.

Breakfast time.

I sit cross legged on my bed - one of the only pieces of furniture they'll allow me to have in this shit hole - and wonder which poor weasel they'll choose to send in this time.

My eyes are shut as I listen to the mechanical locks of the door click open, the hushed whispers of the enforcers on the other side of the wall, the sound of the vacuum seal releasing.

It's not unlike the sound of a bone being wrenched from it's socket, how quaint.

However what comes next surprises me; footsteps, but not the usual kind.

These footsteps are softer than usual, light. These are the footsteps of a woman.

Why would this surprise me? I'll tell you; they only ever send male nurses into my room. Guess I can't be trusted with anyone who's not big, brutish and dominating right?

I'd hate to mention that that would make absolutely no difference to me if I wanted them dead.

Hence why it's unusual they they're sending a girl into my room, guess they really must be cutting the budget huh, but who is it? The girl from the courtyard?

I've never seen her here before, she could be visiting, or maybe not... It almost makes me curious enough to open my eyes, almost.

I stay sat on my bed and concentrate on keeping my power at bay, it thrashes in my mental grip like a living, breathing demon but I ignore it, forming an invisible hand I soothe it back to sleep.

Every so often it needs an outlet, especially after I disabled the wards that are supposed to keep it, and me, contained. But they don't know that.

After the last incident they renewed and strengthened the wards, confident it would keep me enslaved. They were wrong.

The speaker next to my door crackles to life and a throaty voice speaks through it.

"Play nice Akilah you've got new nurse today, let's try and make her last".

Her. I'm right then, and just to confirm it delicate footsteps sound in the doorway of my room. Interesting.

They move to the left and the soft plunk of a plastic tray echoes around my room as she sets it down on my small coffee table.

Here the girl hesitates, I can sense her nervousness, but then I feel her eyes flick to me, taking me in. Bold. And so I do what is only polite. I snap my head in her direction and let out a vicious grin.

Her breathing hitches and I feel her eyes leave me, next a dull clunk sounds as - what I presume is - my daily cup of fresh orange juice and my bowl of granola are set on the table.

What can I say? I'm a girl of habit.

Still I keep my eyes closed, I wait until I hear the sound of footsteps retreating, the vacuum of the door releases again and she's returned to what she believes is safety.


Finally I slip my eyes open, taking a few blinks for myself as I adjust to the bright lights.

I send out invisible shadows to scan the room, surprisingly everything is in order.

This is how breakfast is supposed to go; I sit with my eyes closed on my bed, some ill-fated nurse who thinks their safe because their wearing a bracelet of iron brings me my breakfast, they leave - well, I allow them to keep their life - I'm observed as I eat and then my dishes are collected once I've finished.

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