10 | That's Today?

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Akilah looks at me incredulously, my announcement clearly a shock to her.

Hannah, meanwhile, is clapping excitedly with a bright smile on her face. "Oh I'm so excited! I'm so glad you decided to come Indie!" she exclaims.

I glance back to Akilah who still hasn't said a word, "Well?" I ask her, slightly nervous encase she doesn't actually want to go.

She studies me for a moment before muttering "Camping..." to no one in particular. Not sure if that's a good or bad reaction.


*A few days later*


I awaken to something pointy digging into my shoulder, groaning, I roll onto my other side in an effort to fall back asleep, however not even a second later something is again pressing into my other shoulder uncomfortably, what the hell...

Sighing I peel open my sleep ridden eyes, propping myself up onto an elbow.

I jump back as a pair of green eyes appear infront of my face, how on earth did she get in here without me noticing.

The prodding, I later find out, was Indie's attempt to wake me up.

"Ki, come on we have to go!" Indie says to me exasperatedly when I don't move.

First off, Ki? Where did that come from?? Secondly, where are we going at this time of day? Am I dreaming? Why is she even here this early, plague to my existence- joking, of course.

I stick my tongue out at her and rise so that I'm sitting, the duvet falling away from me. Noooo, my warmth.

"Where on earth could we be going this early in the morning?" I ask her, my voice slightly gravely with sleep.

When she doesn't answer I take a glance in her direction, her eyes are glued to... my chest? Confused I turn my gaze downwards, taking a few blinks, ah yes... that...

Last night I got too hot and in my exhausted state grabbed the closest t-shirt I could find - If you can even call it that - what I happened to grab was the tiniest crop top known to mankind; the thin material barely covers my tits and is bright pink, explaining Indie's staring.

I rake a hand through my tousled hair trying to tame it and sigh, "As much as I'm content to sit here and be your eye candy, why exactly have you woken me at this ungodly hour, darling?"

Indie brings her attention back to my face, her cheeks tinging pink as she appears flustered at being caught. Her expression quickly clears to disbelief as she stares at me again.

"You've seriously forgotten??" I frown at her in confusion. "CAMPING!!" she all but yells at me.

"Oh.." I look up at her sheepishly "That's today?... like now?"

"Yes it's, like now " she mocks.

"You've got to wear this" she tosses some sort of strange looking chunky bracelet at me. "Sorry, little dove, not really my style." I tease as I gingerly inspect the bracelet, "What... is it..?"

Indie rolls her eyes at me, rude, "It's a tracker Ki". I quirk a brow, There she goes again with the nickname, I'll let it slide though, because it sounds nice coming from between her lips.

Indie then chucks a bag at me "Pack some clothes in here, change, and then knock on the door when your done, I'll wait in the corridor."

"You sure you don't want to stay for the show?" I wink at her, stretching slightly, letting the scrap of fabric I call a crop top rise further.

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