08 | What a Rebel

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Despite Akilah telling me to call a cab, I don't. I know, what a rebel.

Deciding to go with the phrase 'what she doesn't know won't hurt her' I hop into my fiat and go to drive home.

I know she thinks I'm going to have a mental breakdown, but truth be told I think that part is over, all I feel now is burning anger, not only directed at Viktor but at myself.

The weakness I felt in that moment, it was too much. And it can't happen again.

I get as far as the gate before the sky turns a deep grey, the clouds covering over, coincidence am I right...

Thunder rumbles deeply over head, lightning cracking down sharply in the distance. Shit, she definitely knows I didn't take a cab.

I floor it and speed off home before I can be stopped, I'm still not quite sure what Akilah's capable of.

When I arrive home I greet mum and head upstairs to my room, about fifteen minutes later I here a soft knocking at my door.

"Come in" I say quietly, It's mum, armed with a bowl of steaming tomato soup and a couple of slices of toasted crusty bread. She simply lays the food down on my side table, gives me a gentle smile and goes back downstairs.

She knows somethings happened but she doesn't push me to speak about it, that's what I love about her.

I don't bother to change out of Akilah's clothes before going to bed, I drift off, dreaming of storms and golden eyes.


I awake to the sound of my alarm clock, It's annoying ringing sounding obnoxiously in my ear.

Dragging myself up and out of bed I take a glance out the window, the sky is an angry grey colour and judging by our previous week of bright skies I'm going to take an educated guess and say that that is the remnants of Akilah's rage...

This is not going to go well.

In an attempt to save my fate by distracting her I choose to wear something a bit bolder today, pulling on a fitted black lace corset top, a pair of leather trousers and a white tailored jacket. Giving off formal but sexy vibes, I like it.

I toss my pale blond waves into a messy bun and make my way downstairs. I decide to grab breakfast before work today, taking a banana from the fruit bowl and walking to the front door.

I don't hear mum come into the room behind me until she calls my name, I turn around and see her standing in the kitchen doorway.

"You know you can talk to me if you need to, right?" she asks concerned. "Yes, of course, thanks mum" I give her a small smile, calling bye as I head out the door.

Sometimes I wonder about Akilah's family, does she have any siblings? What are her parents like? What was her life like before the center? Was there a before the center...?

But I don't believe we're quite at that stage of bonding yet.

I pull up into Hollydown's car park, standing stock still when I realise that Viktor's car is still here... Speaking of Viktor I'm not actually sure what became of him, though I'm sure if Akilah had anything to do with it, he got what he deserved.

I enter the building and make my way up to Marie's desk to sign in, just as I'm writing in the date and time I hear the doors open again behind me and I glance around to see who it is.

A tall girl with pin-straight brown hair and the body of a model walks in, as she comes closer I notice her hair has pretty blond streaks in it too.

She walks up to me with a perfect smile, "Hi! I'm Hannah" she introduces herself to me cheerfully, I return the smile and tell her my name.

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