09 | Someone's On A Mission

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I exit the washroom and make my way back up the corridor of level six, intending to go back to my room, that is, before I realise my door is open. I pause in the corridor and listen, I can hear slightly muffled voices coming from the end of the hall.

As I near my room the voices clarify and I recognise one to be Indie's, I have no idea of the other two. "Yes... I have no idea where she's gone, she's not in her room, I'm just about to check the rest of level six and then I'll get back to you" Indie's voice.

"Alright, let me know if you find her" replies a different voice, it hit's me then, she's phoning Moira, Indie thinks I've done a runner.

I can hear two sets of footsteps approaching to exit my room, I'm about to enter and reveal that I have infact not left the building, the exit would be much more grander if I had. When someone runs right into me with a force that almost knocks me back a step, someone's on a mission.

Glancing down I see a head of soft blond waves, Indie. I grab her shoulders just before she can tumble backwards from the impact. She looks up angrily before her eyes go wide with shock, which quickly turns to relief, then back again to annoyance.

She stumbles out of my grasp before glaring, "Where have you been?" she asks me irritably and jams her hands on her hips, which pushes back her white jacket and draws my attention back to that teasing lace corset she's wearing today, I give her a once over, energy threatening to rise as I recall the events of this morning.

I push it back down before replying, "Washroom. That alright?" I raise an eyebrow expectantly, daring her to reprimand me.

Indie turns to look over her shoulder, back into my room whilst saying "That is exactly what patients in isolation should not be doing."

It's then that I remember there were two sets of footsteps, taking a few steps forward I'm surprised to see the brunette from yesterday. Standing in the center of my room.

Indie turns back to me, "Akilah, this is Hannah. She's new and going to be shadowing me." she says before muttering something about there 'apparently' there being no one else left.

Hannah smiles widely at me before introducing herself again with unimaginable cheer and holding out a slender hand in my direction. Well, this explains why Indie is so pissed off.

Deciding to have a little fun, I enter the room and take her hand, bringing it to my lips and pressing a kiss to the back of her knuckles whilst winking at her, "Akilah" I say, "A pleasure to meet you".

Hannah's cheeks go pink as she preens and bats her too-long eyelashes at me.

I turn and retreat to my bed, taking a seat on the edge and propping a knee up so I can rest my chin ontop of it.

I'm itching to turn my eyes to Indie, to see her reaction but I resist for now.

"Yes, anyway, here's breakfast" says Indie in a stilted voice before placing the tray down on the coffee table far more aggressively than needed.

This time I can't resist, I turn to her with my most innocent expression "Thank you for checking the stability of my coffee table Indie, maybe you could check the bed next, I believe it's due." She glowers at me, jealous anger shining in the back of her eyes. I'm barely able to contain my grin. How touching.

Indie takes to ignoring me as I eat my breakfast and she explains to Hannah how mornings used to happen, before the enforcers were removed that is.

Whilst Indie explains, Hannah keeps taking subtle glances at me and every time, I meet her eyes with a smile, wiggling my fingers occasionally in a little wave. I'm enjoying this far too much.

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