07 | I Think It's A Blueberry One

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*TW - Mentions of/Assault*


Both me and Akilah take a shower in the washrooms after coming back from the gym, separately, I might add.

I put her grey joggers back on and slide a soft t-shirt she lent me over my head, removing the staff sticker from my top and pasting it on the front of the plain black tee.

I exit the bathroom and make my way down to the cafeteria to grab us both breakfast, making sure to get Akilah her usual for slight fear of an explosion from her. However safe I feel around her now I would still like to keep my life.

I grab both breakfasts and thank Thelma, heading out of the cafeteria and making my way to the lift to bring the tray up to Akilah's room.

The lift doors ping open just as I approach and in it, taking up practically all of the space stands Viktor.

Hesitantly I approach the lift and he steps out, pressing the button to hold the doors open, I smile politely and thank him before entering the lift with the tray.

However, I then sense movement at my back and a meaty hand pushes me forward into the back of the lift, the tray I'm holding falls to the ground, juice and food spilling everywhere. What the hell.

I whip around to give Viktor a mouthful, only to find him slamming a hand down on the level six button, closing the lift doors, and then yanking down the emergency leaver, stalling the lift.

I'm stopped between levels in the lift shaft, with him.

He grunts and turns to me eyes full of lust. My own eyes go wide as fear starts to flood my body. "What are you doing..." I try to act confident but my trembling words betray me as he stalks closer.

"Just what I've wanted to do since I met you, sweet cheeks" he lets out a heaving laugh and grabs my arm uncomfortably tight. I can't take it any more, adrenaline rushes through my body and I thrash in his grip, screaming like my life depends on it, which it possibly does.

Viktor grabs my shoulders and smashes my head against the back of the lift, disorientated and groaning in pain Viktor spins me around so cheek is pressed against the lift wall. Panic courses through my veins as I throw an elbow back trying to catch him in the ribs, I miss, by a mile, I doubt this walrus even has ribs.

Viktor grunts again in annoyance and presses himself into me crushing my body against the lift wall. I can feel his bulging hard-on press into my ass as he leans down next to my face, whispering in my ear "You'll enjoy this I promise" his breath reeks as the smell of his words drift across to my nose.

I'm trembling now, feeling completely and utterly helpless, my mind is consumed by the need to escape but I can't, he's too big an I'm to weak.

Viktor uses one podgy hand against my back to keep me pressed into the wall whilst the other starts to work at his belt buckle.

My shaking worsens and my eyes prick with tears, this can't be happening, I beg him not too, I beg him to stop but he doesn't listen.

It's then that I hear a far off explosion and the lift judders, It shakes concerningly before rising upwards, my knees almost give way in relief.

Viktor looks confused, if not outraged, he's staring at the emergency lever like it's betrayed him, he pulls it down harder but the lift keeps on rising.

He then turns back to me and my knees do give way this time, I slide down the lift wall to the floor and curl up in a ball, he glares down at me muttering "Stupid bitch" under his breath, normally my anger would flare at such a statement but my body is ready to give up with stress and I can't do anything about it.

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