01 | You Must Be Isla

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My mum is yelling about something again. But what is it this time.... surely she could just wait a few moments for me to finish that dream... you know, the one with the flying penguins and ice cream...

The next thing I know a pair of soft leathery hands are shaking my shoulders viciously. Ahh, must be my mum, takes no prisoners does that woman.

"Indonesia!" she screeches, right in my ear. "Get up this instant! I've shouted you three times now!!

Do you really want to make such a horrible first impression by being late to your new job!? Or even worse, showing up looking like a drowned rat!".

Hostile, I know right?

But that's how she is, always has been, and most likely always will be.

Groggily I roll over to face her and peel open my sleep ridden eyes. She's glaring down at me like an enraged bird "Good. You're finally awake." she harrumphs and spins on her heel, making her way back down the stairs of our little cottage.

Today she's wearing a pair of wide-leg ripped jeans, a cute little red and white checkered apron, and one of her usual blouses.

She's 41, and done well for herself. Not once in my 19 years on this planet have I ever seen her waver, not even when dad passed 6 years ago, it's just me and her now.

Lung cancer took him, mum had simply stated that he'd smoked to much in his youth for his own good, told me if i were ever to do the same she'd hit me over the head with her shoe.

Iv'e never gone near a cigarette, her threats are not to be taken lightly. But aside from all that, I love her dearly, she's my rock, without her I would be floating adrift somewhere.

Slowly I convince myself to get up and dressed, today is my first day working for Hollydown's Gifted Center.

Now, I don't specifically have a uniform but anything with metal or drawstrings is strictly prohibited, to risky with the patients they said.

I decide to go with a simple v-neck jumper and my favourite pair of jeans.

I cross my room and grab my favourite perfume from the vanity, it has a sweet floral smell, mum says it gives off old lady vibes, but I like it, if that makes me an old lady, then so be it. I coax my blond waves up into a sleek ponytail and make my way downstairs.

The sight on our kitchen island makes me squeal out loud, freshly baked cinnamon rolls!

My oh my they're so good. The warm spices, gooey inside and the icing...*Chefs Kiss!*

Quickly, before mum can stop me I dart over to the table, grab a roll, pluck my car keys off their hook and make a dash for the door.

Just as I think I've made it I hear footsteps behind me, "Indie? just where are you speeding off to without saying goodbye to your dear old mother!?" she fakes an offended tone, really she's just been keeping my ears busy as she gains distance on me, I know this but don't move a step, I've already been caught.

I raise my hands in surrender, holding my precious cinnamon roll high above my head, just out of her reach. She shakes her head in disapproval but surprisingly lets both me and my cinnamon roll leave, I call bye to her and hop into my little old fiat.


The drive to Hollydown's gifted center was uneventful. However, the same cannot be said for my first day there.

For some background info, I recently lost my job, there was nothing else available with a good enough pay rate to support me and mum, so that's how I ended up here.

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