... I think i need therapy...😀☺️😊🙂

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A/N: at least that is what my mom told me but i actually have no idea if i do or dont need therapy, also im trying to think of what else i should write but like only one idea came up and that is to show my ships more, to me so far the main ships are creek, style, and bunny (even tho style and bunny aren't sailing they do show up more then the other ships) but i don't want those ships to be the ONLY ships that show up so im going to try and show the other ships also i know i haven't been posting in a while it's just I don't know what to write so im sorry... now ENJOY!!!

Diana: so i need more ships to ship, actually i need all of them to ship
Except creek bc its already sailing

Kyle: as if ur gonna get all of ur ships

Diana: can i at least get tyde its one of my favs

Tolkien: ✨no✨

Clyde: ✨no✨

Diana: ✨oh but yes✨

Wendy: ✨^✨

Bebe: ✨^^✨

Diana: cmon Clyde and Tolkien there are a few people on the internet that would agree with me just cmon

Tolkien: no

Clyde: no

Bebe: oh but we need a yes if u r willing to live another day
An actual threat to the both of u

Diana: wait hold on im just gonna check smth brb

Wendy: ok uh take ur time

Diana: oh i will 😈

Tolkien: why do i have a bad feeling about this

Clyde: same

A few minutes later...

Diana: so i just checked the cams and i looked close enough to see Clyde and Tolkien blushing

Clyde: nuh uh she is saying lies dont believe her she is spreading lies

Tolkien: ^

Wendy: the fact that the both of you defended urselfs quickly means that something is def going on

Bebe: true and Diana can u send a pic of that pls

Diana: oh it sure is my pleasure

Tolkien: Diana don't you dare do it

Diana: to late Tolkien

Pls use ur imagination bc i aint drawing bullshit bc my art is fucking terrible that i cant show u so pls use ur imagination

Bebe: gonna screenshot

Wendy: same

Tolkien: 😀🔫

Clyde: ^

Diana: cmon its not that bad i'm just exposing u 2 thats all

Tyde: excuse me WHAT

Bebe: yeah just a little bit of exposing u 2 nothin' to serious

Clyde: sometimes i have this little argument with myself that if meeting you guys was a good or bad thing in my life and now im debating that it was a bad thing

Everyone that is online except Cartman: 🥲

Cartman: like I give a fuck crybaby

Tolkien: fuck off Cartman

Tolkien deleted a message

Diana: Tolkien so now you're defending Clyde damn so you do like him

Tolkien: NO I DON'T

Bebe: me and Wendy also saw it

Tolkien: NO YOU DIDN'T

Wendy: yes we did

Tolkien: alright then who also saw it

Craig: i did

Tweek: me too

Kenny: same

Butters: i also saw it

Brimmy: saw it

Thomas: me too

Tolkien: wait did Clyde also see it

Diana: no he went to the bathroom after he sent his last message

Tolkien: oh thank god

Clyde: what happened

Tolkien: nothing
Diana dont you dare to say shit
Same goes for everyone

Everyone except Cartman: fine 🙄

Clyde: tell me what

Cartman: back read to find out

Tolkien: no Clyde dont do it

Clyde: ok i wont

Tolkien: Cartman if you dont say shit i'll buy kfc

Cartman: ok blackasshole

Tolkien: fuck you too fatass


Tolkien: ok 🙄

Diana: i love the drama in this gc

Bebe: and also the ships

All of the ships except creek: which r never gonna happen

Wendy: yes they will

Kyle: no they won't
Me and Stan r never going to get together

Diana: but whyyyyyy?!

A/N: yall i cant think of anything else and i know alright i know i have not been giving u guys an update but im lazy and i cant think of what else to write so cliffhanger till i find out what else to write BYEEE!

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