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The quiet sounds of steam surrounded him, that endless churn of now increased activity- some may've considered it a pleasant noise, and he was no exception.

This new project Suns had handed him was quiet the interesting phenomenon- but it'd been something they both had craved for as long as they'd been stuck in these miserable, cushioned 'Cans'.

"Hm... New renovations to the Neuron Carriers will be in order- ah, sometimes Suns seems to forget they don't always have the answers."
He remarks into the silence, the green mark upon his forehead shining stark against the darkness of the room.

He usually preferred this darkness- while his companions in the Local Group may've enjoyed basking in light, he, and Moon alike, usually preferred the more quiet- and dreary atmosphere that brought them to ease.

While, this project certainly wasn't easy- Suns had greater problems to focus on- and while he couldn't help but Resent Five Pebbles' choices- his fate was far, far too cruel to just... accept.

And so, he got to work- tinkering with the design in various interfaces, different simulations- patterns of evolution, in order to tweak the very nueronflies that went through the processing strata, and the storage medium... Perhaps a larger Neuron with more data? Decisions- decisions.

Fortunately, Suns was correct on his abilities- No Significant Harassment had been constructed with Genetical Engineering in mind... especially due to the population which prior inhabited his superstructure.

And, he was thinking up solutions- fingertips whirling over screens are a rate sheerly impossible for an ordinary mind to process- constant processing whizzing infront of him- and away the next instant. The sounds of working machinery churn in the background- dulled by the quiet sound of a pleasant music- not all too different to a form of 'Lofi'.

He neatly sweeps past a small creature on the floors of his chamber- a small animal which he'd been successfully raising to maturity- having opted to take it from it's containment Vat, in order to properly instruct it, upon the various goals it had. So far, he'd been rather successful- and content in his efforts... Although, in hindsight, he probably should've considered the issue in it's genetic code- which he'd applied in his efforts to increase it's haste.

That was yet another thing to attempt to fix, but he'd see to another time- more important matters were at hand!

And so, he continued at his churning work, working faster than the eyes of a human being like you could fathom.

And, Five Pebbles was having a shitty day.
Not only was the iterator struggling to properly produce the results he desired on his project- he had a throbbing headache, which seemed to only worsen the harder he worked. It was unbelievably frustrating, in nature.

He continued meddling with his various simulations- drifting through each and every one- the Rot seemed to always fight, and succeed- even creatures, with various weapons of destruction hardly stood a chance... Well, except for leviiathans; but those were out've the question.

From prior experience, He didn't think attempting any genetic modifications of that degree would be a good idea.

And so, he simply tinkered with the experimentations with cold- ordering his special Inspector to once again- dump more frigid material into the containment, stalling it's growth- with the Overseer that Suns had manuvered inside, still clinging onto existence- and watching keenly. It'd been spreading- encompassing some of the walls in it's hideous, indigo hue.

He mutters under his breath- something inaudible to the churning systems of his superstructure- his efforts now heating the Superstructure beyond it's ordinary- with all his processing, and construction of frigid matter. As of now, he had one particular project in order.

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