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The momentary silence filling the chamber practically felt suffocating- Suns' expression shifting through confusion- frustration, and fear. They merely paused there for a moment- lifting a hand- before being cut off from what they prepared to say. They jolted as Five Pebbles spoke-"Save. It. There is nothing for you to say to me."He practically spat.

Seven Red Suns attempted to step forward, Five Pebbles cutting off the opportunity, by forcing them backward with a prodding finger, and a step forward of his own.Their voice box crackled for a moment- before they managed to speak."Look- Pebbs, I didn't mean to hurt you- and I am truly sorry you feel as if I don't care, and I know I can't make you forgive me."
They remarked, carefully grabbing the representation of Five Pebbles' wrist, and guiding it to the side.

"Do NOT speak to me like this, Suns."He retorted, whipping his hand away from the grasp of the other iterator."Look- I don't need you to forgive me. I just want to try again, I just want to help y-"

They were abruptly cut off with a rather deafening thud- which filled the abrupt silence as Five Pebbles struck their image across the face- potent enough to rattle them from their crouching stance- and knock their face into the ground.

Five Pebbles merely glowered at the sight, waving his hand- as he'd given Suns one hell of a punch across the face.

However, he didn't expect the other iterator to shoot up- and attempt to grab him. He felt his systems seize with the artificial sensation- being dragged into the air by his throat- metallic talons mere centimeters from scraping into the plating.

It was a horrible thing, that he could not escape this forced broadcast- his ventilation shafts heaved in his panic, watching a red glint in Suns' eyes scan across his face.

He abruptly kicked at the other iterator's image- it wavering as they abruptly staggered back with the abrupt pain of being kicked in their torso. They released him- and merely glowered as Five Pebbles' talon-like toes scraped the floor.

Suns lingered on the other side of the room- a firm grasp upon one of their wrists- trying to support a shaking hand- with tensed fingertips. They glanced over at Five Pebbles, his figure now raised on its mechanical arm. While they could do no real damage to each other- the pain was still certainly present as though they had.

They had attacked Five Pebbles out of instinct- and were immediately regretting it, as their systems refused to calm down. They were in danger, and they needed to defend themselves- or, that's what their systems demanded. They stood there, muttering to themselves.

"I told you to leave."
Five Pebbles practically snarled, finally moving a pace toward the other.

"I will not leave."They retorted, whipping around to face him.

"Yes, YOU WILL."He spat.

"I will NOT be leaving! You are hurt, you are in danger- and I refuse to let you suffer alone from my mistakes!"They practically shouted, lunging forward from the floor- and meeting Five Pebbles' gaze at eye level, faint red glints swirling into view- before locking into a glare with Five Pebbles' optics.Five Pebbles merely glared at them for a moment, and was met with silence in turn- yet met with an expression of anger, frustration, and guilt. So. Much. Guilt.

"I do not need your help, I am fine on my own."
He retorted, regaining his composure- and drawing his mechanical arm back, as to be above.A faint clatter echoed from outside, Suns taking a step forward however, drew attention from it.

"You are a liar-! You're in a horrible situation here."They retorted, prodding at Five Pebbles' chest, similar to how the smaller iterator had done to them.

"And who's fault is that huh? Yeah. EXACTLY."He practically snarled in response, his arms crossed. He simply dragged Suns' hand away with a kick of one of his taloned feet- which gave a sensation of scratching, and damage to Suns once more. They clutched their arm a moment, before narrowing their gaze.

"Well, at least I'm trying to help you, but you won't stop being such an ass!"They spat in retort, out-jutting an arm to their side.

"I've already told you to leave, now why the HELL, can't you get the message?! I don't WANT your help."
He swatted at Suns' hand with another one of his feet, colliding once again, to Suns' discomfort. They flinched away from their arm being used to gesture from that point on.

The slugcat in the corner of the chamber, with weary eyes, finally stirred- her tattered eye-socket tilted toward the wall. She covered her... ears? Her eyes soon fell upon a nearby access pipe."Well you need help! I don't give a damn if you won't accept that- You. Need. Help!"They shouted in response, arms now draping limply at their sides, refusing to be endangered again.

"I don't want your help! I just want out- okay!? I want it over with! Now LEAVE."Five Pebbles retorted, finally falling silent for a moment, his antennae twitching. Was it irritation on his face? Guilt, Anger? Probably a mixture of all three.

Suns' face froze in a state of mild shock.
"You... Cannot still be thinking about- I thought you might- ..."

They tightly grasp some of the fluffy material lining the top edge of their cloak."I... Didn't ever want this to happen."

They continued, merely gazing at the ground now, looking to be on the verge of tears. It became all too clear why The Rot was able to escape now; Five Pebbles was allowing it to progress in dosages, wasn't he?

"I told you to leave."
Five Pebbles merely stated once more, his tone laced with venomous fury.

"I was a fool, wasn't I, Five Pebbles?"They remarked at the comment, looking to one of their hands, one not cast into fur with stress.

He responded, turning his head.

"I'm sorry I've left you to feel so alone... You should know how worried everyone has been, Five Pebbles. We've all been worried. I've been so worried, I forced contact."

They continued, a bit of guilt shifting into their expression.Five Pebbles merely glanced back, an Antenna flicking absentmindedly.

"Look, I want you to know there's more to life than solving this dumb problem... There's an outside, and we can reach it- I know we can. You don't have to bend to their demands, Five Pebbles. You can choose your own path- and we'll support you... just please, don't do this to yourself."

They glanced up, having gone down to their knees in the chamber, robes dancing in delicate patterns and arrays across the floor.

Five Pebbles remained silent for a moment- having not expected such a... remark from Suns. Especially, with something so sincere. He seemed to think for a moment, his expression shifting mildly. He visibly steels his will."Leave."

"I won't leave, not till I know you're safe."They retort, looking up to meet his gaze.

"I know it's hard, and I know it's been immensely difficult for you... You feel alone, and like there's no purpose left. There's more than a purpose in life, Five Pebbles- there's enjoyment, freedom, companionship- there's so much to love even if it's hard to find.""I don't want it..."Five Pebbles responded, turning around once again, at a rather slow rate, opening a display window in front of himself.

"Pebbs, I know you want to be happy... but you've got to try, please. I know it's hard, but there's a way, okay? I want to help you however I can, and whether it starts by me sending you some historical pearls for you to enjoy- or even going straight to your can myself, I will do it. You need to be happy, and you need to be safe."

They continued, standing from the floor, and outstretching a hand to Five Pebbles.Five Pebbles audibly swore under his breath calling Suns a 'Motherfucker', before grumbling incoherently.

"Please, you've got to try. I know it's hard, and I know life is... a mess, right now- but it's worth it. It's worth it to enjoy what you can, and find peace in what is. Please, don't do this to yourself."They repeated their plea.

"Eugh... You're irritatingly convincing..."He remarked quietly, dragging a hand down his head's plating.

"Please...? I don't want you to feel so alone- and you've got to know crossing yourself out isn't worth it, Pebbs... We all care about you, a hell of a lot."
They continued, quietly walking a pace forward.

"Fine! Fuck you, you son of a-"

"Okay-! Thank you!"Suns' antennae perked up, they abruptly took another step towards Five Pebbles- who'd turned around, and lowered himself to the ground.

"You're insufferable, and I hope you know that."He practically spat, still very frustrated and angry- but maybe it'd be worth it to try again? When was the last time he'd really been happy, anyway? It couldn't hurt to try... right?

"So... I'm sorry."They reiterated their apology- seeming to finally start to understand jumping between happier moments, and actual agony wasn't a... good idea.
|"I told you to stop apologizing."Five Pebbles grumbled, rubbing at his forehead with his fingertips.

"I made you feel as though I didn't care, and certainly as though nobody cared. That isn't acceptable, Five Pebbles."
They continued, hands now draped at their sides.

"I do care, and I will make sure you know that you're cared for, okay? I know it's been extremely difficult for you, and I want to help however I can; So, what can I help you with first?""You could leave."

"No, I'm not gonna fall for that trick."Suns deadpanned- before finally noticing some... chirping? There appeared to be a pearlescent white slugcat, clinging onto Five Pebbles' citizen- it must've snuck in while they were arguing."Oh! It seems you have a guest, Five Pebbles."

They remarked, gesturing to the slugcat- to be met with a sigh from Pebbles.The creature was abruptly hoisted into the air with a gesture from Five Pebbles- and with another flick of fingertips, was given a mark of communication.

The creature staggered for a moment, before looking back to The Citizen- and scampering over with open arms."Hello, little creature... what brings you to the floor of my chambers, I think I can assist with... You're stuck in a cycle, aren't you? You want ou-""Five Pebbles- do not encourage Scug Suicide!"

They remarked in turn, walking up behind the other iterator- and placing a palm across his shoulder.Five Pebbles scoffed in response, before continuing.

"Well, if you want to get back to your little homeland- I would suggest traversing to the far west, either back through where you came- or even further through the farm arrays. If you'd like to see your kind again, there shall be a gate opened to a place known as The Outer Expanse... otherwise, you may descend far, far below into the void sea. Understand?"He continued before Suns chimed in.

"Say- I saw a banana-yellow looking one of you. Seems to be following the same path- know them?"
Suns remarked, having nearly forgotten seeing a similar slugcat scaling the locales of Chimney Canopy upon their appearance in Five Pebbles' chambers, with their overseer, of course.The slugcat began gesturing wildly with its arms, incoherent to some- but Suns? Absolutely too. It was complete slugsign, which... they didn't really understand.

"I am going to take that as a yes."Both Suns, and Five Pebbles spoke at the same time- before glaring at each other.

Five Pebbles turned, and pointed at the slugcat, which somehow managed to look mildly offended with its small stature."You remind me of the fat one that showed up a few cycles back..."

"You encountered another Slugcat and didn't tell me...?"
Suns responded, looking a bit confused. Maintaining a cheery attitude to balance Pebbles' pessimism was hard- but not impossible!

"It was... such a rotund creature. How it even got into my chambers is a miracle of its own."He responded, turning his head to Suns' image. It seemed Five Pebbles was too, trying to ease the situation for the poor slugcat in front of them... seeing as it'd probably watched them fighting."Look, I bet Pebbles here wouldn't mind you staying for a short while, during the time you're waiting for them, right?"
They nudged Five Pebbles with a smug expression.

"Fuck you, Suns."
He grumbled in response, before kneeling down- and gesturing for the slugcat to approach. The small creature seemed to understand once The Citizen nudged them forward- and Five Pebbles merely placed his palm on its head, and gently scratched it between the ears.

He used the opportunity to transfer some energy to it- giving the sensation of a full stomach to the creature, as abruptly- its energy level was increased. While this amount of energy would be incredibly puny to Five Pebbles, it was enough to keep this thing... alive, which in of itself, was quite an interesting, and curious phenomenon.

The creature abruptly grappled onto him, and refused to let go of his arm as he raised it off the ground. He tried to gently shake the creature off- considering it wasn't much smaller than him, at all, this was quite the task. Suns diligently tried to pry it off- but due to the nature of them being in a holographic state- it made no effect to a creature not bound by this chamber's rules."I never should've touched this stupid thing..."

Five Pebbles grumbled, waving about through the air, in an attempt to get it off.The Citizen finally chirped at the creature- seeming to be amused with the situation. It turned its head to face her- and abruptly leapt free, and wrapped its arms around her.

He finally returned to where Suns was standing, giving them a glare."It seems I can no longer discuss with you in peace."

"Look, Five Pebbles. I don't want to ignore your problems. For now, I'll happily help you with whatever I can; so, where should I start?"

They responded, their hands patiently clasped, and resting before their torso."Fine, you damn menace. Just... you... I don't even have anything I can think of for you to do."He responded, grumbling under his breath. How he'd even given up on arguing with Suns, was beyond him- but nonetheless, this bastard of an iterator would not leave.

The anger, and the mild hatred was such a scourge upon his mind- unable to be quelled even with Suns' persistent apologies. They'd let this happen- and they'd been so cold for so long.So what changed?"Pebbs? You good there?"

They remarked, tapping on the iterator's shoulder."I just was thinking- alright? You're being unnecessarily joyful and clingy comparative to your usual behavior."

Five Pebbles jolted a bit- before scowling at Seven Red Suns."Pebbles, you honestly shouldn't be surprised. I want to make sure you're alright- and if that means attempting to boost your mood, so be it."

Suns responded, their eyes tweaking their expression to something likewise to a smile, but of course, without a mouth, nor nose to express such."You're insufferable regardless."

He retorted, grumbling once more. He felt a sharp pain to his head- but managed to not flinch as once again, a faint indigo glow emitted from between the plating on the left side of his face.

It once again continued to drone on in the back of his mind, that constant searing pain returning after being dormant for a short, but fortunate while. He quietly opened a display- and began examining his superstructure for damage, or growth. Suns watched over his shoulder, intrigued by the activity- but similarly concerned once they saw the situation at hand.

The door clearly wasn't fixed, and had started to decay in the wake of the rot- even its massive, metallic hull was unable to prevent the inevitable.

They abruptly slunk backward- opening one of various display windows, looking at blueprints- it seemed. Perhaps they could help fix the issue before it got out of hand? Probably. Although, forcing The Rot back would be a necessity first.

It also occurred to Suns that Five Pebbles' Inspectors must've been extremely prone to damage- as he was not keen on defending himself. It would've explained why many of them were so severely damaged.

"Look, Pebbs, You need to stop endangering yourself- I know you want out, but it really isn't worth it."
They remarked, looking up from their display.

"Shut it, Suns. You've talked enough already, and, I have already agreed to stop my plans."He retorts with a venomous undertone.

"You're clearly not happy though, either, Five Pebbles... It worries me you seem to be unable to find the will to even try and help yourself."They continued in response, dismissing the display, after sending the blueprints over to Five Pebbles' chat with them.

"Of course... always more work. Thanks."He practically spat in return, dismissing his own screen. He whips around- and prods Suns' figure in the chest.

"You are lucky the slugcats are watching- or so help me, I would bludgeon you so hard, you'd be forced to leave in tears."He continued, narrowing his gaze, while Suns' expression contorted between mild fear- concern, and a bit of guilt.

"My... apologies...? I'm not trying to anger you. I merely am sending repair options- you may do whatever you like with them. I am merely asking you to take care of yourself, and regardless of
how you'd like to do so, I would appreciate your effort."They respond, cautious as to their wording and tone.

"You are irritating, especially when I have such a headache."Five Pebbles responded, lowering his hand to his side.

"Look, what you need is a break- maybe a hug? You look tired, and clearly you're in pain, Pebbs."They remarked in return, gesturing faintly with their right hand as they spoke.

"Eughhhhh... You're awful."
He responded, merely glowering at the taller Iterator. Seems he couldn't catch a break, huh?

"I suppose my work can wait... I need a distraction from this hell anyway. Also, you better not demand anything of me, or help me- I will shred you and everything you love."

He continued, before settling onto the ground- sitting upon the barely cushioned floor. The Citizen seemed pleased- chirping gently at him, while the weird newcomer just... pointed at him.

Suns took a seat beside him, quietly wrapping an arm around the other Iterator's back. While they hadn't expected Five Pebbles to even listen to them- this was a pleasant surprise, seeing as the iterator leaned into the fluff of their cloak's collar, and merely lay there in peace, for once.

Five Pebbles, himself found that he was questioning the idea of trying again to find happiness, and yet, in the comfort of his own Can- sitting here with a holographic image of Suns, he found some peace.

He felt cared for, at least, especially considering Suns' pleas for him to stop hurting himself, even when he'd desperately tried to push him away. Sometimes he wondered why he ever tried to shove everyone away- but then he remembered how useless they made him feel.

But, Suns seemed to be trying to make it clear that they cared, and even through this whole mess, they'd stayed around. Through it all- when Sigs hated him, and Moon was beyond contact, Suns still wanted him by their side. And with that, he couldn't help cuddling into the fur around their cloak's collar- it was the only comfort in such a desolate place, after all.

Maybe Suns was the only comfort, but, even so, maybe, just maybe, he could be happy, or try to, with that.

And maybe, just maybe, Suns, was forgivable.

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