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A few dozen cycles past at the very least, and they'd finally cut off the communications for the morn- for the time being, Five Pebbles was left to his own devices. This call had begun earlier- perhaps just before sunrise.

He swirled around in his chambers, pondering the little work he could still do- most of his processes were either in the quarantine zone, or shut down. At least it was taking it's time getting to his memory arrays- Seven Red Suns and he himself had made sure to prevent it from taking his mind away- one of the things he'd want to keep till the very end if he didn't make it out of here alive.

It seemed to continue accelerating in growth; even if stopped by walls, it pushed harder and harder to escape. He frowns as he inspects a further wall with an overseer; the maintenance lights flashing while the metallic structure groans in protest to the force being exerted upon it.

He whisks his hands over a panel, righting himself as he looks to the nearby citizen; while her age had begun catching up with her, she seemed to retain at least some of her strength of her younger adulthood. He gently eases a palm through her spunky fur; spiny in nature, but brushed profusely once he realized something dirty was in his chambers. The bath that followed did not go appreciated by the combustive slugcat; and rather it decided to desperately try and escape his chambers profusely. Either way, he succeeded in washing out all the grime- and now, The Citizen seemed to prefer spending its time lounging lazily in his chambers.

He noticed it seemed to hold a guilt for its actions- which by now, had long since passed. While the partial genocide of a species for her own reasons was questionable at the very best; at least the creature seemed to be trying to avoid conflict now. Rather, she seemed to prefer laying on the comfortable padded corner he'd set up for her using a few old components from the city. The scavengers, however, had never forgiven her actions- although he understood exactly why.

That small, white slugcat had long since left- adolescent, and nearly an adult, it was no wonder that when its sibling arrived, they went on their merry way. Five Pebbles was left to hope they found their way about the world; even if slug cats were not favorable to one such as himself, they grew on him with their affectionate mannerisms and complex language. After all, he had always loved cultural exploration- and with the ancients gone, he would take whatever knowledge he could.

The combustive slugcat quietly chittered at him in reply to him stroking its fur, akin to a greeting in some form. He settles down beside it, adjusting his workflow adequately to accommodate soothing the beast.

Suns had been making progress, which always was promising.

He heaves out a sigh, looking over their messages; the exchange always grew into an argument somehow, but, by now they'd grown productive- far from their... initial disputes.

It reminded him comfortably of older times, where they could simply be; with nothing to worry about other than their great problem. And even then, the great problem could be solved with all the time in the world.

Now he wished he even had a few extra cycles to try and stave off the inevitable; just a bit more time. The irony of it all- especially with how he'd wished himself gone prior... He found himself desperately looking for more, and more time to spare.

Finally with the knowledge Moon was running; conscious, and was unable to properly contact anyone, he took it upon himself to send an overseer to investigate.
It took an effort- but the two of them communicated briefly over the transmissions system, catching up- primarily him informing Moon of what happened in her absence.

He would be a liar if he said he didn't regret what place he'd put her in and not reaching out sooner, but, there was nothing he could do to change the past.

Suns' little pet projects had been... fairly ineffective, much to his dismay. The Rot seemed to evolve faster than they could invent something to kill it with- and as it continued to consume more and more of his lower superstructure, he couldn't help but grow even more worried. Not long ago he'd considered himself a lost cause; but reestablishing communications with the members of his local group and beyond had certainly aided in those thoughts being a constant.

The worry he was met with was catastrophic, something he had never experienced; and either way, the overbearing guilt and more notably, appreciation resurfaced.

Either way, he would still refuse to be polite to No Significant Harassment.

He skims over the models of puppet modifications Suns was working on; the specifics of some of them were quite the dangerous construction, but, it seemed that Suns well, simply didn't care. They were far too determined to help him to cave, and well, he couldn't help but find it mildly flattering. Either way, he skims over the newest model again; examining the new features and fixes with diligence. He's forced to close his other work, primarily focused on possible repairs to add to his communications array.

In the past few cycles, he had begun learning to assemble mechanical works in his chambers; something his taboos didn't circumvent. After all, he technically wasn't modifying himself... if he got a slugcat under a citizen's name to do it.

A few pieces of old scrap linger outside; ready to be pieced together, but unused. He would withdraw them later, but for now, closes his processors- and simply exists, petting the slugcat at his side while content. He usually would sit like this now; slowly, the idea of not doing anything had stopped to bother him. Maybe, it was because of the fact at times- doing nothing was more productive than mindless tasks.

Perhaps the inevitable being staved off made it easier- the knowledge that it would catch up to him, likely too fast for Suns to get him out. It was a bitter thought- but, he couldn't help the further dismay; antennae wavering in a downward drift as he simply eases a hand across The Citizen's back- trying to ease his stress by this distraction.

It was a miserable thing that he had managed to get attached.

After all; by all means, he was doomed; a walking corpse, barely alive enough to speak and think, and yet, worthless in every regard...
And yet Suns seemed to work harder and harder for every call they had, something he'd never understood, and probably never will. After all, he'd only tried to push them away- and yet, they came back with more vigor each time. He couldn't help the attachment that seeped into his mind- that delicate care that left him desperate for comfort, yet, just as desperate to keep Suns away; to spare them the pain of his slow, painful death.

It churned in his processes now, no matter how much he tried to dismiss the thought pattern from his strata.

He only cradles the slugcat closer, hearing it quietly rumble with a sound known as a 'purr'. One of few comforts in his empty chambers- beyond the music pearl droning on in the background- quiet, yet welcome to fill the silence he'd grown to despise.

It reminded him of waiting aimlessly, and it reminded him far too much of his previous... state.

To say he was given a clarity of mind through Sun's extensive gestures and reassurances would be an understatement, and he would be eternally grateful, even if in the end; were he not to be alive, that he would be able to clearly think rather than be drowned in bitter anger and distress.

A soft ping draws his attention; breaking monotonous routine with something anew; He whisks a hand through the air, summoning a display from the many modules in his chambers. The slugcat shows a feign interest with the twitch of an ear, but falls back to resting in Five Pebbles' arms.

However, he didn't expect a transmission from No Significant Harassment- especially one regarding Suns' projects, and how they seemed to be worsening their condition.

With caution, he opens it; fingertips grazing the box hesitantly. The full contents were obscured, after all; they could be better, or worse than he'd immediately thought.

It was certainly a blunt message, unusual for the other iterator. He would've frowned had he been in possession of a mouth.


NSH: Five Pebbles, I have to inform you on Suns' worsening condition.

NSH: I am aware of the fact they will refuse to inform you themselves, so, for once, listen to me.

NSH: I have also been working with them; although they refuse me the brunt of the effort. It's worrisome how they've exhausted themselves and their resources by rushing this endeavor; albeit I understand why.

NSH: Some of their superstructure legs are beginning to show signs of decay due to the increased waterflow wearing down the older equipment. Unfortunately, They are not built for this; unfortunately moreso, they refuse to stop despite the danger. I am asking you to coerce them, seeing as my efforts were entirely in vain.

FP: I see.

NSH: I doubt they have much left in them if they keep up at this rate, which is the literal only reason I'd ever ask you to send a message for me; teasing them didn't work, and neither did brute force; so, you're the last option I guess? Have a jolly time convincing them, thanks!

FP: Believe me, I am very aware... and of course it didn't.

NSH: Alright, just try to get Suns to stop overworking themselves to death. Thank you, byebye!

FP: ...I'll see what I can do.

The sigh from his ventilation system startled The Citizen from her rest; as he reels backwards, and lands with a dull thud on his chamber floor, all suspended pearls for basic information and projects dropping with him.

" ...For the love of the void sea... "

He grumbles to himself, antennae flicking limply across the ground.

Another stupid problem to solve.

Hey there lovely readers! I would like to apologize for my absence, lost some of my motivation, but planning to still continue Breakthrough till the end! New cover is probably gonna come out soon, art has been improving a lot, alongside writing. Hope you had a wonderful day- more is to come! I'd never leave you with an ending like this and then make you wait another few months-

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