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The silence that would've filled the room was replaced with the quiet droning of machinery, the humm of steam- and the gentle snores of two slugcats.

Within this place, both Iterators had been sitting for... who knows how long. Suns had longer settled more properly into place, an arm comfortably wrapped around Five Pebbles' lazily slumped figure, while the other seemed to be in a state not all too different to a daze of sleep.

Five Pebbles ended up grappling onto that collection of fur around their throat- clinging to it with their nub-ended fingers as they laid, eyes nearly closed- with a faint, white glow emanating from the slivers that remained. He was somewhat conscious, but it hardly mattered.

In this silence, both found themselves finally getting some peace, whether it be from their fiery argument, or the fact one was practically bound for death. But, even with that, there was no work to be done; as both would much rather rest.

The quiet humming of machinery drones out the sound of ventilating steam, as Five Pebbles practically sighed.

"I am... sorry that I hurt you earlier."

He irritably apologizes, his tone a grumble- but yet, sincere. He felt guilty over his actions, which clearly had been poorly motivated.

"It's alright, Five Pebbles, in fact, I should be apologizing."

Seven Red Suns replied, their tone sincere- with an almost sheepish undertone. They shift in their pose, subtly but noticeable when so... firmly grappled onto them.

Five Pebbles merely sank further into the fuzzy collar of their cloak, its material was quite the unique one- and his sensors being given such a chance at this stimulus was rare. He found himself a bit enthused, even if this were a mere simulation of Suns' presence.

"I suppose I have been so frustrated trying to escape... I didn't think your advice would be remotely helpful, not after I'd failed."

He continued, trying to apologize... indirectly. Suns was, well, rather peculiar; but at least they knew how to calm him down. Sitting here in silence had done wonders for his spirals of thought- and the pains of his head were now but a dull afterthought.

" I know, Five Pebbles. It's been immensely hard for you to ask for help for a long time, but regardless if you ask, I will not allow you to suffer, to punish yourself. It isn't right to let you suffer, and there has to be a way to fix this... "
They reply, merely lingering as one hand works away on a small window. Its primary focus is working upon a sample of Inspector, altering the genome of a stem-cell sample, or at least, a simulated one. A change of nucleotide here and there.

Five Pebbles merely found himself mildly ashamed- the feeling creeping up like a disgusting worm. He grumbles through his voicebox, it crackling faintly to his displeasure. The superstructure around him churns with activity, having finally returned to purpose. The Inspectors, or well, the blueprints of the Modified ones Suns had sent him were being quite useful.

They happened to be sufficient for defense- with spiny growths outjutting from their heads, protruding with points sharpened as needles. Each one seemed to replace itself moments later- able to be hurled, and mass produced. Suns also no longer seemed to be choosing to send their messenger to his Can for the purpose of producing spears to wield. Either way, the creatures seemed to be engineered without causing them too much suffering- which seemed to ease both Iterators stratas as they lay there.

Unfortunately, however, they were not very dextrous for smaller tasks- such as fixing the door. He was forced to ask upon The Citizen soon- but for now, it would be sidelined. He prioritized simply basking in Suns' presence, enjoying the company which he'd desperately tried to push away. Regardless, a faint irritation continued to prickle; probably at the fact Suns still seemed to see him as a force needing to be pitied, and lesser than themselves.

They both merely sat there, Five Pebbles glowering at the whole situation- meanwhile Suns was as per usual, hard at work. Sometimes it left him to wonder if Suns really cared- or if he was just a way to further the experimentations of their ideas. With that, he'd probably never know. He finally released the billowing furs surrounding his face, the holographic image faintly flickering in the environment, to his displeasure.

Suns seems to take notice, turning their head.

" Are you alright? You seem... frustrated, but with what, I am unaware. "

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