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Pillars of steam rose from the superstructure, churning in spires above the clouds, and whirling away towards the skies, each churn bringing forth a new pillow of delicate rainwater. The clouds sprawl the distant sky, piercing beams of sunlight glinting from behind the intricate, and soft waves of such a phenomenon.

Five Pebbles couldn't retract his optics from the sight, faintly gazing while remaining almost in a state of torpor, quiet while Seven Red Suns worked away, the faint droning of swift machinery filling his receptors as his optics continued to gaze upon the clouds beyond.

Each and every one, a spire of brilliant light, clean from the gruesome and cruel world beneath, quite ironic that these very waters came from his systems trying to remove the cause of his ailing. While he simply pulled himself further into the cloaks around him, it felt almost incomplete.

He closed the Overseer feed with a haphazard flick of his finger, grumbling with a metallic whir as he dragged himself from Suns' side, slowly opting to return to work, as the other Iterator perked up in mild confusion, sensory arrays raising in a manner of intrigue.

" Don't you think you should continue resting, Five Pebbles? There is no need for you to exert yourself- "

They remarked, their voicebox echoing through their connection to Five Pebbles' chambers. Sometimes, that voice made Five Pebbles uneasy with the memories of their pleas now, the begging for him to stop his actions. He quietly whisks above, rearranging a network of delicate pearls.

" I would much rather dedicate myself to work rather than laze about, and watch the clouds. I may be tired in many regards, but there is no solution to my exhaustion; not yet. "

He replies, his tone quiet and subtle. Suns' own voice had been peaceful, and soft, like much discussion they'd had in the past few... how many cycles had he spent lazing around, clinging onto that cloak like a lifeline? He was left to speculate. For all he knew, it could've even been less than a cycle.

" Regardless of my predicament, I am in functioning condition... and if I must, I will test my limits to extend my lifespan regarding my infection. "

He continued after a moment of thought, mechanical arm churning with life, while metal creaked around the chamber.

" Five Pebbles, you and I are both aware you are not in proper working condition. I understand you wish to continue your studies- especially to make yourself feel of worth, but causing yourself strain is not a solution. "

Suns' voice grows firm, a faint commanding nature to it which practically made Five Pebbles sick.

" I am CAPABLE, I grow tired of your babying. I appreciate your comforts, but having you restrain me and cradle me like a child is unhelpful. You and I both know there is no avoiding it anyway. I might as well attempt to fight back, especially with how it's progressing. "

His words are prefaced with a noise reminiscent of a scoff, and a mechanical scrape.

" Five Pebbles, there is... no need to yell. "

Suns seems to almost shrink away; billowing robes slithering across the floor like a moth veiling itself once again with its wings. Their voice gives a metallic crackle, and yet, they linger their optics upon their former work partner.

Five Pebbles simply turns away, muttering irritably under his tone, it crackling and sputtering with static on such a low, unhearable frequency. He slowly draws a display into view, that of his surrounding; a labyrinth of decay and misfortune. While he'd contained it, certainly, the many areas which it'd grown to inhabit were so decayed they could be considered dysfunctional.

" Suns, you mentioned the concept of a neural agitator? "
He remarks into the silence, which was practically drowning them both in a tense unease.

Suns simply nodded briskly, before sweeping up to their feet.

" I considered it as a concept, although I am not aware of The Rot possessing a neurological pathway. Unfortunately, it's hard to incapacitate a creature using a neurotoxin, if it does not possess a nervous system. "

" I am willing to try any solution you may have, so long as this horrendous abomination eats away at my innards. You still have access to the Senior Override permissions Moon gave you, correct? "

He replies, turning with his hands clasped behind his back- the mechanical arm giving a whir of activity as it's pointing him to the opposite direction.

" Yes, although I do not see how that would be relevant. "

Suns' expression practically could be seen dwindling into the Iterator equivalent of a frown. Five Pebbles soon approached, drifting onto the ground as the chamber around them churns.

" I would like you to deactivate the entire sector where I am storing The Rot. While this will deprive me of one emergency Rarefraction cell, there is no purpose to me trying to save it while The Rot eats away at its casing. I am aware there are areas containing important Data Points in that sector, but if it is what I must do in order to preserve my longevity, so be it. It should... also reduce the horrendous pain of it all."

He pauses a moment, allowing Suns a reply.

" You've still been in pain from it? "

Suns' reply seems to care far less about the lost refraction cell- and data; and far more about Five Pebbles' condition.

" It has been a meager inconvenience, Suns. I don't need attention for some pain. "

He replies, tone faintly irritable as his eyes turn from his figure, and towards the nearby chamber wall.

" Regardless- Pebbles, you should be attending to your fundamental care. I would be... willing to deactivate the sector, if it is troubling you so. Although, I insist you close off your main passageways, perhaps more of the pipes too. They're too dangerous, and could let it through into your memory conflux... and even general systems. You and I both know how dangerous and lethal that could be. "

Their reply is cautious of tone, intended to be inoffensive and sympathetic.

" I told you I'd get to work on it. "

Five Pebbles practically forced his tone away from being snappy and irritable; after their previous fight, he didn't want to deal with such a circumstance again. Being demanded to take of himself by Suns was one thing, but watching the taller Iterator plead on their knees for him to not continue trying to take his own life was another.

He didn't know whether to feel bitter, or grateful for Suns' efforts; their frame still lingering quietly on the floor, before their Voice Box quietly allowed words once more.

" Five Pebbles, Please, do take care of yourself. I know you... don't exactly wish to do so yourself, but, if anything, do it for the sake of those who care about you. "

They remark, tone soft and practically apologetic before they speak again.

" I can... get to work regarding the possibility of a Neurotoxin. It will take quite some time, but, with my current innovations and simulations it's plausible. "

They continued, pausing as they tug at their robes- readjusting the fabric around their frame as they expand another semi-transparent panel in front of themselves.

" Good to hear... Thank you for your efforts, Suns. "

He practically forces his gratitude, it feels unnatural to thank them after all this time. Regardless, it feels almost obligatory- whether out of guilt or simple necessity, he cannot determine.

" You shouldn't be thanking me... it's the least I can do. "

They reply, rather solemn.

" Suns, don't test my patience right now- please. Lets... just work. I don't want to argue with you again. "

He didn't speak of why, no matter how much he knew that it was because it didn't just hurt him- but watching Suns be miserable from his actions? It left him so guilty he hardly could even try and argue with himself at that point.

" Right- right. Sorry. Would you like me to attempt the override...? "

They remark, before pausing.

" You know it'll be initially worse for pain- correct? All those sensors being shut down... I know we shut down some sensors before, but such a big region- it's... it's not so simple- "

They're cut off by Pebbles' interjection.

" Go through with it. I'm not worried- I can... tolerate it. I will live. "

He replies, albeit rather irritably.

" You know I cannot disable the sensors reliably myself. It's not in our programming to force a shutdown of specific regions- so, just this once more, I ask you to shut it down. "

He continued, his voice growing quieter as he finished his second sentence.

" Steady yourself- and please, let me know how I can help sooner... so we don't have to deal with this again. "

They draw the familiar Senior Override button onto their hud, data filling out the corners around its icon. They prepare to utilize its function, and they spare a glance at Five Pebbles, awaiting a reply.

" Steadied. "

He simply replied.

The override is unlike the previous, without that dulling of pain- rather it comes in the form of a sharp, jarring agony. It's like a constant pull, and Five Pebbles simply sat on the floor, radiating a small amount of steam as he tried to bear it- ignoring it as it seized at his sensors- while Suns tried to make this as quick as possible. During the previous override- it merely had been a quarantine command. Here, this was a full authorization- and it was well worse than comfortable. He pauses, antennae lowered as he glanced to Suns' working figure.

It slowly ebbed away, as if the tidal wave of fiery agony slowly ceased from his senses; ebbing away as the locale of The Rot was disabled, and locked down behind pipe and door. He taps a finger erratically across the floor, expression muddled as he attempts to mask his discomfort and quite simply, agony. He's grown better at this, after cycles of having The Rot eat away at his systems while he was fully conscious. That pain finally churns away as everything is locked away; or at least mostly. He knows it won't die this easily; clinging to the last strands of life as it digests his metal interior- whipping tendrils towards any neuron flies and snatching them up like a child eating candy.

He heaves out a sound akin to a sigh, and slumps, the horrendous sensation passes entirely- Suns disabling the Senior Override- and leaving him back to his senses, his superstructure.

" Are you alright...? "

They quietly ask, tone sympathetic as their holographic image faintly falters, and makes it's way over to him- sitting down at his side.

" -Fine, Thank you. "

His voice nearly cracks as he speaks, trying not to choke on his own words as he still ponders the sheer agony his sensors were just put through.

" I'm... sorry this all has happened to you, Five Pebbles. I shouldn't have been so foolish as to suggest you breaking a Taboo like that with you in a jeopardized state- "

They're interrupted.

" I don't forgive you, and I don't think you forgive yourself either. "

He pauses, although his tone has softened.

" But you're trying to make up for it... I guess I'm not going anywhere, not yet... "

He continued, before being spoken to again by Suns.

" I... understand. I don't forgive myself either. "

" I'm... sorry too... You didn't deserve to deal with all my problems, and yet here you sit with me; waiting for me to slowly die off as you desperately try and stop it- "

He's interrupted by Suns' reply.

" I'm glad to be here to help, even if you don't want to help yourself. "

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