The Beginning

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In a crowded park were all the children's came with there parents or anyone of their relatives ,were seems to be happily playing around.

A usual scenario could be seen where two of the children playing together in lots of rides , than on the other side two children could be seen fighting to get on the same ride first.

We're the fighting children parents seems to be shouting to other parents of course taking their child sides, than on the other side the parents who saw their child happily playing with other child just smiled and started talking with the other child parents happily completely ignoring the chaose caused by those fighting children. For them it was like none of their business then why bother.

But in between all these things have any of you noticed something which is similar.... That is the presence of some one in your life.

Just like the happy children who have each other, also their parents with them, than coming to the children's who were fighting, they still have someone in the form of parents, friends or any loved one to back them, to care for them, to be with them, to gave them a reason to move on in life.

To wait for a next morning with a complete new day. But.....

Still there are child's who don't have any backing to them, any one who will look after them, who will gave them the reason to wait for tomorrow,for a new morning or a new day..just Their excistence was like an invisible being yeh!....

This is what going in the mind of child who look likes 15 years old because of his height but he is actually an innocent delicate boy of ten.

The boy name is Sean Xiao Zhan. He is actually a boy who was left in orphanage when he was just 5 years old. By a group of police man who found him during a rescue of a car accident.

A boy of only 5 who saw his own parents death in front of his own eyes but can do nothing for them, A boy who saw ambulance taking his parents lifelss body like it was their daily duty, like it was something very common to them and yeh! was after all they are doctors... But who is going to explain this to a child. Nevertheless... After that horrendous event of his life, he was finally sent to an orphangee.... The Yunmeng orphanage as the police was informed there was no other than his parents in his life. Who was also now no more.

Since then 5 years has passed. Xiao Zhan still remember some moment spend with his family. How they go picnics in weekend, how the little Xiao always use to ran with his tiny legs whenever he sees his father coming back from his work. How he was snuggle closer to his parents when he sleep. How he always waits for a new morning, cuz a new day was like a new surprise for him by his parents but....

Every things change since that accident, since he coming to this lonely orphanage. Yeh..! Cuz his parents leaving him has traumatised him greatly. So much that he become an introvert person ,so much that a ten year child has started having night terrors.... so much that the other children in the orphanage has make his life hell, so much that a 10 year child was made to do works of a 15 to 18 years child. So much that those children beat him to death like he was nothing.. and still he can't fight , can't fight because of his weak body.

But today he fought, how can he not when his one and only nana who was the only one cared for him in the orphanage, who used to gave him motherly hug whenever he need, who used to nurse his wounds whenever he was beaten by those big brats.. Has now also left him... Left him in this alone cruel world to meet her love one in heaven. Today he fought cuz that big brats had made fun of his nana, they dare to do that in front of her lifeless body when she took her last breath. And the little Zhan just can't hold his pent up angers and sadness anymore.

Little Zhan made those three big brats see stars in the early morning it was the time when his beloved nana was sent to be burried.

He was now sitting under a tree and was thinking all these unfortunate events of his life.

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