Chapter 6 {part 1}

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After 6 months....

Yibo is as sitting in his office dazedly looking outside his window for God knows for how many hours. It's been six months already since he last met that officer and since then he was feeling lost. He don't know what that officer has done but Yibo still remember that worried eyes as if they were not sure if they could meet again or not. Those beautiful silver pairs were looking at him with longingness as if wanting to utter the heartfelt world but can't.

The suddend click soundof the door took his attention and Yanli barged in almost giving Yibo an angry stare. This is the first time Yibo has seen his shi jei this much angry but before he could ask.. Yanli instantly came to him and twisted his ear like a mother scolding his child as she said....

"U brat how long u r going to be like this haa!... How many time u will deny ur lunch... See u have almost loose so much weight.. looking like a zoombie.. " Which made Yibo pout..

"Hey! I am not.. " Yibo tried to deny while trying to loosen the hold of Yanli's hand on his ear... But Yanli continued..

"What.. U ur self are a doctor Yibo if u neglect ur self then who is going to look after ur patient.. " That words reminded Yibo his carelessness his jiejie is right. He sighed and Yanli seeing him become more worried as she loosen her hold.

"Didi.. " She uttered but Yibo just smiled tiredly... "It's nothing jie I am just worried "

"About him... U really like him.. " Yanli asked with soft eyes. Both of them know whom they r talking about.

Yibo gulped and looked down... "I don't know... I don't even know if we could meet again.. " He hugged Yanli like a child seeking warmth from his mother.. He do treat Yanli like a mother figure.

"Jie what is this feeling.. Why I feel like I have known him for a long time haven't we just met once.. " Yibo mumbled.

Yanli softly smiled as she caressed Yibo's hair.... "Sometimes we met people who created deep connection with us in just their first meeting.

" Deep connection.. "Yibo moved away frowning at Yanli.. " What do u mean.. "

Yanli chuckle this didi of her is very innocent.. She plufully bobbed Yibo's nose.. "U will know with time.. But for now let's go.. Dad called us.. " She dragged Yibo out from his office as they went to the conference room.

"Did something serious happend jie why conference room.. " Yibo became worried as they passed several doctors and nurses who greeted them on their way.

"I also don't know Yibo.. " Soon Cheng, Ziyi and Yubin also joined them who was looking at Yibo very worriedly. These days Yubin had noticed Yibo most of the time looking lost as if missing something. He wanted to ask Yibo if he is fine. But Yibo didn't even look at him as they all went to the conference Hall.

The room soon filled with other doctors as Mr Jiang finally spoke gaining everyone's attention...

"So this sudden meeting is to convey a very urgent issue that needs to be discussed .... " Mr Jiang begin as he looked Yibo and his team of doctors.

"The village gusu is on its way to develop  and the minister has thought to made a power plants there... As a result our hospital is choosen for volunteering them in need.. I have decided to choose one of the best team of doctors to go for this mission... And to inform them that they will be full supported by Beijing Police station best officers.. " Mr Jiang completed making the Hall complete pin drop silent.

Gusu is a place which since now started developing. The information says that the place always has some frequent earthquake and disasters also is hunt by many viral diseases. The place is also d have very little modern facilities.

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