Kevin x Nico H.

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Okay for this first AU, I need a trigger warning. Great start eh? Anyways

This is a WAR AU
The second world war to be precise


Nico strolls through the camp with his best friend Nico. In the past, people used to laugh when the two told each other that they shared a name, but today they don't even know anymore. The only thing you know about them is their rank and surname. "Sergeant Hülkenberg, Major Rosberg, you have to leave!" Someone calls out to them.

A young soldier comes towards them. "Soldier Schumacher, you come with me!" Decides Hulk out of nothing after the young German reached the two others. The younger one nods in confusion but says nothing.

The three of them walk to their tent and pack their backpacks. The General says something to them again and tells them how proud they must be to be sent on this mission.

"Be proud, I don't think their synapses are working properly anymore!" Grumbles Rosberg as they leave the camp behind. "Come on, they're crazy. Trusting us like that was a stupid idea." Hulk mumbles and Mick next to them looks uncertain.

"What are we doing?" He asks quietly. "First we take you to your Russian lover!" Hulk declares firmly and Mick's eyes widen. "I don't have a Russian lover!" He protests.

"You're together? Oh, how cute!" Says Rose excitedly. Mick shakes his head in exasperation. "Relax, we're not going to kill you." Grumbles Hulk. The youngest looks at the two Nicos sceptically.

"Mick, I'm engaged to a Brit and I've been spying on the German army since the war started." Says Rosberg placatingly. The youngest's gaze wanders to the other Nico. "I'm homosexual, that's reason enough to send me to a concentration camp." Sighs Hulk.

The three fall into a silence and trudge on. At some point, the older Nico starts whistling a song. The other two listen intently until they stand in front of an American machine.

The pilot greets them friendly. "Nicos, how nice to see you." He smiles with relief. "Logan, thank God they haven't blown you out of the sky yet." Greets Hulkenberg back. "True enough." Retorts Logan Sargeant, who funnily enough is indeed a sargeant.

"Mick, this is Sargeant Logan Sargeant. He's a pilot for the Formula organisation. The Formula organisation is divided into 4 parts. F1, F2, F3 and FE. F1 are pilots who fly fighter jets and drive tanks. F2 are doctors, spys and representatives of the organisation. F3 are the trainees and producers. The men from FE are responsible for everything electronic. They also build engines for the F1 guys. Above all, they are responsible for cracking secret texts. We also have FF, which are the trainers who used to be in F1, F2 or FE. They train the F3 and also help the other Formula departments." Explains Nico.

Mick is silent for a moment. "Do you know a Michael? Michael Schumacher?" He then asks. "Yes, he was hit on his last mission and is in medical attention now. He is fine tho, why?" Says Logan. "He is my father." Answers Mick.

"Oh thank God we found you. Mika's been looking for you for months." Shouts Logan. "Wait what?" Shouts Mick. "Yeah, when they asked for you they said there was no information available. That was on 04/02/42 and now it's 17/08/42!" Logan says in some way excitedly. The three Germans look at the American in surprise.

When Mick and Logan are gone, the two Nicos look at each other in bewilderment. "We've been looking after Schumini the whole time." Nico H. states. "Luckily we didn't mess up." Rose says dryly.

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