Kevin x Nico H.

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So, this OS is modern Royalty with our lovely Haas boys who in a way don't fit in Royalty at all but at the same time fit perfectly

BUT FOR REAL I SHIP THEM TOO HARD. They fit perfectly. Extrovert and introvert, so you have some differences but important points, they are the same (not just in the looks). They literally are the perfect material. AND HOW NICO ALWAYS AND ALWAYS HELPS KEVIN IS JUST TOO ADORABLE 🤧🥹

Next OS will be complete chaos. What ship will it be? Or is it with a main character without a ship?

As always for MmePenguin


Kevin sighs. He hates being a prince. You maybe think: Oh my God, being a prince is soo cool. You live in a palace, you're rich, you meet cool people, everyone loves you. But it's definitely not cool. You can't be yourself, there is always somewhere a camera, you can't do many things and you have to be respectful, no matter what.

And Kevin hates that. As the older brother he even will be the next king. His father loves his little brother who is only 4 years old very much. But Kevin is basically invisible. How can a 19-year-old crown prince hold up against his 15 years younger lovely little brother prince? Exactly, he can't. His parents always talk about Luca. He loves his brother, for sure, at least he thinks so sometimes, but everything is about the little boy.

Kevin wouldn't even be surprised if his father decides to give his crown to Luca. The only good thing is, that the press also concentrates on little Luca and Kevin can sneak out of the palace in the night. Just like now. He goes through a little park to a lake. He's not scared of the dark. It's his friend. His only loyal friend.

When he arrives at the lake, someone is already there. He nervously sits beside the boy his age and they both don't talk. "What's your name?" Kevin asks at some point. "Klaus. And yours?" Klaus answers. "Jannis." Kevin says and the other boy nods. They're silent again.

"Why are you here?" Klaus asks. "Just wanna be myself, you know. No need to pretend to be someone with the hope that the parents finally see you and say something praising just once." Kevin answers. Wait, no, he's Jannis now. So Jannis answers. "You?" He asks back.

"Ran away a couple of weeks ago." Klaus answers before starting to smile and pointing at the night sky. "Look, there is a star sign. It's called Orion!" He explains and Jannis looks fascinated at the sky.

Klaus shows him various star signs throughout the night and Jannis listens with interest. When dawn is just a few minutes away, Jannis gets up and mumbles, "I have to get back. It was nice to meet you Klaus." He smiles shortly at the man and hurries away.

It continues like this for the next few weeks. When Kevin goes for a walk one afternoon, he comes across something disturbing in the woods. "Oh my God!" He shouts with a pale face. He sprints to the little shelter, made out of some branches. A little kid sits there. "Hey, what are you doing here? What's your name?" Kevin asks and the boy answers "Max."

"Raikkonen?" Kevin asks and the boy nods. Kevin picks him up and starts to run. He goes on and on and doesn't stop until he is at the house of Kimi and Sebastian Raikkonen. The two lawyers have 3 sons. Antonio, Pascal and Max. Kevin is just lucky that the house of the couple is nearby.

He knocks as fast and as loud as he can at the door and screams "Open up!" You can here someone running down the stairs and Seb stands in front of him. "What happened?" He asks. "I found someone." Kevin smiles and Max looks at his dad from behind Kevin's legs.

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