Romain x Jenson

612 18 45

Just realized that they don't have a ship name. Didn't thought of that when I came up with the ship idea. Anyway you gotta love the AI for the picture above 😂

Royalty AU

It's fucking long but I'm kinda proud of it


"Mother, have you gone mad? I can't start a war!" Prince Jenson shouts angrily and storms out of the room. He smashes his crown on the floor, as well as his cloak, and runs out of the castle. Queen Lyons tries to stop him, but he gets away. He also succeeds to avoid his future wife.

He runs to a small garden shed at the edge of the castle garden. He unlocks the door and slips into the cottage. There he quickly grabs some clothes and changes them. He tousles his hair and puts in contact lenses. Only then does he leave the garden house again.

He is met by two men. King Button and his brother, Prince Lewis. "Mother is angry with you brother. She says it's unacceptable and you should behave like a crown prince and not a street urchin." Jenson rolls his eyes and his father scolds "Act like a member of the royal family and not like a poor villager!"

Jenson sighs and simply says, "I have another meeting, Father. Do I have permission to leave the castle?" His father looks at him in silence and then asks, "Who are you meeting with, son?" Jenson says with a small sigh "The Crown Prince of Finland and his brother, the Princes of Germany, the Crown Prince of Spain and the Crown Prince of Australia."

His father nods briefly and Jenson turns around to leave. "Come on Lewis, we don't have the whole day!" He says and Lewis hurries to catch up with him. They go through the garden together and meet Jensons girlfriend, the princess of Scotland.

"I'd better go then. She looks angry." Lewis murmurs to Jenson and the heir to the throne nods. As the eldest, he will soon have to rule the British kingdom, even if he would have liked to leave the place to his younger brother. "What do you want princess?" He asks disinterestedly.

"What's wrong with you Prince Jenson?" The petite woman in front of him asks angrily. "A lot, what is it this time?" Jenson asks back, clearly annoyed. "I don't see the point in continuing a relationship with you!" She hisses and Jense just shrugs his shoulders, bored.

"So you won't even fight for me like a real man?" She asks provocatively. "A wise man once said, 'You either let her go because you love her too much or too little. Well, in your case it's the latter. Good luck with the rest of your life, I'm out of here." Jenson replies and simply leaves her standing there.

"You unbothered king." Laughs Lewis quietly and looks at his older brother. "It was for mother anyway." He sighs. The younger one looks surprised. "But why?" He asks. "She saw me making out with a boy once." Jenson grumbles. "We're not allowed to have boyfriend?" Lewis asks with widened eyes, slightly terrified.

"We're fucked." Lewis says dryly and they keep walking in silence. They pass through several small villages and are greeted from everywhere. The 'Prince Crew', consisting of Jenson and Lewis, Crown Prince Mika and Prince Kimi from Finland, Crown Prince Michael, Prince Nico, Prince Nicolas and Prince Sebastian from Germany, Crown Prince Kevin from Denmark, Crown Prince Fernando from Spain and Crown Prince Mark from Australia, is popular everywhere.

The group often looks after the sick, the elderly and children when their families have no money. And not only in England, but also in the countries of origin of the other princes. However, they mostly meet in Great Britain.

When they arrive at their meeting point, Lewis takes off his crown and also unbuttons his cloak and takes it off. The dark blue trousers contrast nicely with the white shirts with gold and wine-red trim, but they are impractical in a forest. And that's where the meeting place is. That's why the princes always take off their cloaks.

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