Mika x Michael

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This one's gonna be kinda sad. It's much about Michael's accident and how Mika deals with it. I of course don't know Michael's health situation, so it's not the truth. The only thing I can really say

Keep fighting Michael


The man stares at the house. He knows it too well. He basically lived there for years. Did everything there. His son even had his own room there. So many memories are here. Memories that stayed here. Safe and a long way away from him. He swallows heavily and takes a key out of his pocket.

He walks through the garden and looks around. In the grass lays a toy for dogs. He has a small smile on his face. "Angie is home." He mumbles and walks to the door.

He unlocks the front door and enters. The familiar smell immediately envelops him. Cinnamon, a little bit of chocolate and the cold from outside. He is surprised that it still smells a little like a racetrack. He closes his eyes briefly to let it all sink in.

He is always surprised that the odour does not change. It has remained the same over the years. Only at Christmas time do you still smell fir branches.  But in the far north of Finland there is snow almost all year round, which is why there is always a hint of wet dog mixed in.

A bark brings him back to reality and he opens his eyes. He kneels down with a chuckle and greets Angie. The dog happily jumps around him and barks loudly. "Angie, honey, what's up with you?" Mick yells questioningly from the kitchen and comes into the hallway.

He stops in surprise. "I never thought that you would come back...After last time." Mick slowly says and he sighs. "I realized I could never live without him. So here I am." The man mumbles. "Very romantic Mika. What do you really want?" The German asks. "Heal him." Mika answers.

Mick stares at him for at least a minute before he starts smiling. "It's great to see you again. Just don't leave another time." He softly says and Mika hugs him. Mick hugs him back and shortly after he starts sobbing. "Oh Mickey. I'm so so proud of you." The Fin whispers in his ear, knowing what the younger one thinks right now.

The doorbell rings and they separate from each other.  Mick opens the front door and blinks surprised. "Mazepin." He nods. "Schumacher." Nikita also nods. He comes inside and Mick closes the door again. Immediately he pulls the Russian into a tight hug.

"Aww Дорогая, what happened? Are you hurt?" Nikita asks worried. Mick sniffles and hugs him even tighter. "Oh my love, everything is fine." Kita whispers quietly. He guides the young man to the sofa. His plans where to park Mick there and make him a tea but his boyfriend pulled him along to the sofa.

"Well, I didn't expect to be a pillow today." Nikita mumbles and kisses gently Mick's forehead. The German sighs contentedly and closes his eyes. "Isä is back. I don't know what to think about it. I'm worried about both of them. Him and Papa." Mick says and looks into Nikitas eyes.

"What does your head says and what does your heart feels? What are you gonna choose?" The older one asks.
His calm voice helps Mick to sort his thoughts.

"My head says it's risky and dangerous and my heart says he's so broken that only Papa can fix him. He's scared and traumatized but came back after all because of one single message from Ralf. I can feel that his love for Papa is deeper than anything else in this world." Mick opens up.

"Your heart sees what your eyes can't realize."

Silence. Mick lays on top of his boyfriend and thinks about the words his father once said to him. And Michael is right. Your heart makes you understand things your eyes could never show you. He hopes he did the right thing with letting Mika stay.

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